Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review
This project is closed.

Brisbane Airport’s new runway and the associated flight paths commenced operations on 12 July 2020. These flight paths have changed the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Brisbane Airport.
Brisbane Airport Corporation and Airservices continue to work with stakeholders across community, government and industry to ensure that the Brisbane Airport operations meet the highest safety standards and incorporate the most environmentally sustainable practices wherever practicable.
For information on current aircraft operations visit our interactive Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood website here.
How do I receive updates on the PIR?
If you wish to receive further updates on the PIR, you must register and subscribe to follow this project.
Please also check in regularly for new information.
Brisbane Airport’s new runway and the associated flight paths commenced operations on 12 July 2020. These flight paths have changed the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Brisbane Airport.
Brisbane Airport Corporation and Airservices continue to work with stakeholders across community, government and industry to ensure that the Brisbane Airport operations meet the highest safety standards and incorporate the most environmentally sustainable practices wherever practicable.
For information on current aircraft operations visit our interactive Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood website here.
How do I receive updates on the PIR?
If you wish to receive further updates on the PIR, you must register and subscribe to follow this project.
Please also check in regularly for new information.
This project is closed.
Brisbane Noise Improvement Trials – Quarterly Update
Airservices is pleased to provide the fourth quarterly update (24 November 2022 – 23 February 2023) for the current noise improvement trials in Brisbane.
Extended Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) trial
We are trialling the extension of SODPROPS operations from 6am to 8am on Saturday and Sunday mornings and from 8pm to 10pm on Saturday evenings, when weather conditions allow. When SODPROPS is in use, jets and most propeller-driven (turboprop) aircraft arrive and depart over Moreton Bay.
Please click here for fourth quarter trial results.
Over the last quarter, strong wind conditions and low cloud cover has reduced the opportunity to use SODPROPS during the extended trial hours and also during regular night time operating hours. Suitable weather conditions were available during the extended hours only on three days, one for the full extended period and two for partial periods.
Restriction on intersection departures from the New Parallel Runway trial
We are trialling restricting intersection departures for all aircraft (jets and turboprops - excluding emergency service aircraft) from the new runway over the city. This means aircraft will commence their take-off roll from the northern end of the new runway.
Please click here for fourth quarter trial results.
For more information on each trial, please visit the following links:
Extension of SODPROPS factsheet.
Restrictions on intersection departures from the new parallel runway factsheet.
We have been taking your feedback since the commencement of the noise improvement trials and we will now commence an evaluation to determine if they should become a permanent operation, be modified, or if they should cease.
We will be seeking further feedback from the community as we commence engagement on the first Noise Action Plan for Brisbane design options in March/April 2023.
We will continue to operate the noise improvement trials until completion of the evaluation.
Noise Action Plan Update
Brisbane Airport Community Airspace Advisory Board
The Australian Government announced the establishment of the Brisbane Airport Community Airspace Advisory Board on 9 March 2023.
The Brisbane Airport Community Airspace Advisory Board is an ongoing, independent community-based consultation body that provides an opportunity to share information and advice to and from the community to better manage consultation on aircraft noise around Brisbane Airport.
The Brisbane Airport Community Airspace Advisory Board will oversee the implementation of changes identified in the Airservices Australia Post Implementation Review, and in the long-term facilitates community input and feedback on proposed changes to flight paths and airspace changes associated with Brisbane Airport’ Noise Action Plan.
More information on the Brisbane Airport Community Airspace Advisory Board can be found here.
Noise Improvement Trial Update
On 24 February 2022, noise improvement trials commenced for the following operations:
- Extended Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS)
- Restriction on intersection departures from the New Parallel Runway.
We have been taking your feedback since the commencement of the noise improvement trials and we will now commence an evaluation to determine if they should become a permanent operation, be modified, or if they should cease.
We will be seeking further feedback from the community as we commence engagement on the first Noise Action Plan for Brisbane design options in March/April 2023.
We will continue to operate the noise improvement trials until completion of the evaluation.
Brisbane Airport Maintenance Update
Brisbane Airport Corporation is conducting maintenance work today, 28 February 2023 until 4:00PM and tomorrow, 1 March 2023 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. In parallel, Airservices is conducting routine maintenance on the Instrument Landing System.
You may notice a temporary change to aircraft operations during these times if there are northerly winds as aircraft will arrive over land via the new parallel runway (01L).
If you have any questions about the runway maintenance, please contact Brisbane Airport Corporation by email at:
If you have specific questions or complaints about aircraft operations, please contact our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
PIR Update
Brisbane Post Implementation Review
The Post Implementation Review (PIR) for Brisbane was completed in December 2022 with the release of the final report. Work has commenced to deliver the recommendations of the PIR, with current focus on the items noted in Section 7 of the report as prioritised for delivery this year.
We will soon release a program to show the timing of actions against each recommendation. We will report quarterly on our progress against this program and on the outcomes of design, environmental assessment and community engagement activities associated with each action.
A draft community engagement plan is currently being developed to guide our engagement with the community throughout implementation of the PIR recommendations. We will provide this for public comment once complete.
Temporary noise monitoring
During PIR engagement, community members from the Redlands requested to have noise monitoring undertaken in their community. Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) and Airservices are pleased to advise that following this request, we have successfully installed three temporary noise monitors in this region and will be collecting and reporting data for the next three months.
Interested community members can now view these monitors on WebTrak. Information will also be available on the BNE website: Noise Management | Brisbane Airport by next week.
Brisbane Airport Runway Maintenance Update
Brisbane Airport Corporation is conducting maintenance work from Monday 13 February to Monday 20 February 2023, between 9:30PM and 5:00AM daily.
During the works, the new parallel runway will be closed and SODPROPS will not be possible. Reciprocal Runway Operations (RRO) will be the preferred mode of operation (subject to weather and traffic conditions). In this mode, aircraft arrive over Moreton Bay (19L) and depart over Moreton Bay (01R).
If you have any questions about the runway maintenance, please contact Brisbane Airport Corporation by email at:
If you have specific questions or complaints about aircraft operations, please contact our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
Brisbane Airport Runway Maintenance Update
Maintenance work is scheduled to be carried out at Brisbane Airport on Friday 3 February, from 9:00AM to 3:30PM.
The operating mode of the runways will depend on the wind direction.
You may notice a temporary change to aircraft operations during this work if there are northerly winds. Air traffic control may need to operate a segregated mode, where all aircraft arrive over land via the new parallel runway (01L) and all aircraft depart over Moreton Bay via the legacy runway (01R).
If there are southerly winds, aircraft will depart as standard from both runways, over land.
If you have any questions about the runway maintenance, please contact Brisbane Airport Corporation by email at:
If you have specific questions or complaints about aircraft operations, please contact our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
Brisbane Airport Operations Update
Update 5:05 PM AEST: Standard operations have now resumed.
For operational reasons we have had to adjust the way we are operating flights into and out of the airport. Some communities may notice different operations to what would normally be expected. This is a temporary situation that is required to ensure arriving and departing aircraft are safely managed while we seek to restore standard operations. We will provide updates on this post.
Brisbane Airport Maintenance Update
Brisbane Airport Corporation is conducting maintenance work over the next two weeks:
From Monday 16 January 2023 to Friday 20 January 2023, between 10:30am and 5:00pm each day, service infrastructure upgrade works will be carried out.
You may notice a temporary change to aircraft operations during these works, as all aircraft will be departing off the legacy runway and arriving on the new runway during these hours.
On Tuesday 24 January 2023, between 7:00am and 5:00pm, cabling works for on ground lighting on the legacy runway will be carried out.
Normal parallel operations will be used, however, some larger aircraft that would normally arrive on the legacy runway, may require the new parallel runway.
The service infrastructure upgrade and cabling works will not affect the noise improvement trials currently underway, including extended Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) hours and limited intersection departures on the new parallel runway.
If you have any questions about the maintenance works, please contact Brisbane Airport Corporation by email at
If you have specific questions or complaints about aircraft operations, please contact our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
Brisbane Noise Improvement Trials – Quarterly Update
Airservices is pleased to provide the third quarterly update (24 August – 23 November 2022) for the current noise improvement trials in Brisbane.
Extended Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) trial
We are trialling the extension of SODPROPS operations from 6am to 8am on Saturday and Sunday mornings and from 8pm to 10pm on Saturday evenings, when weather conditions allow. When SODPROPS is in use, jets and most propeller-driven (turboprop) aircraft arrive and depart over Moreton Bay.
Please click here for third quarter trial results.
Restriction on intersection departures from the New Parallel Runway trial
We are trialling restricting intersection departures for all aircraft (jets and turboprops - excluding emergency service aircraft) from the new runway over the city. This means aircraft will commence their take-off roll from the northern end of the new runway.
Please click here for third quarter trial results.
For more information on each trial, please visit the following links:
Extension of SODPROPS factsheet.
Restrictions on intersection departures from the new parallel runway factsheet.
Draft PIR Report - Response to Feedback
We are pleased to provide a summary of the feedback received on the draft PIR report and our response to each point raised.
The Response to Feedback can be viewed here.
We thank all those who took the time to submit feedback on the draft PIR report and look forward to engaging with you further in 2023.
July 2020
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageNew runway opened
July 2021
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stagePost Implementation Review (PIR) commenced – Release of draft Terms of Reference
August 2021
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageModelled vs actual aircraft noise summary released
December 2021
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stagePIR Terms of Reference finalised
December 2021
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageTrax International appointed to conduct independent review
February 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageNoise improvement trials commenced
April 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageTrax Interim Report released
July 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageTrax Final Report received
August 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageTrax Final Report released
August 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageAirservices response to Trax Final Report
September 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stagePIR community workshops
October 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stageDraft PIR report released for public comment
October - November 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review has finished this stagePublic comment period - closing 20 November 2022
December 2022
Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes Post Implementation Review is currently at this stageFinal PIR report released
PIR report
Brisbane Post Implementation Review - Final Report (1.1 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane Post Implementation Review - Final Report Fact Sheet (1.19 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane Draft PIR Report - Response to Feedback (1.43 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane Post Implementation Review - Draft Report with tracked changes (1.04 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane Post Implementation Review Report - Draft (1.02 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane Post Implementation Review Report with appendices - Draft (20 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane PIR Recommendations Community Workshops Slides (6.66 MB) (pdf)
Trax International - Community Focus Groups Overview (344 KB) (pdf)
Noise Improvement Trials
Noise Improvement Trial - Qlink RNP-AR 19L Over The Bay (294 KB) (pdf)
Noise Improvement Trial - Intersection Departure Restrictions (298 KB) (pdf)
Noise Improvement Trial - SODPROPS (160 KB) (pdf)
Q1 - Brisbane Trial Results - Intersection Departures (1.02 MB) (pdf)
Q1 - Brisbane Trial Results - SODPROPS (9.44 MB) (pdf)
Q2 - Brisbane Trial Results - Intersection Departures (494 KB) (pdf)
Q2 - Brisbane Trial Results - SODPROPS (563 KB) (pdf)
Q3 - Brisbane Trial Results - Intersection Departures (516 KB) (pdf)
Q3 - Brisbane Trial Results - SODPROPS (572 KB) (pdf)
Q4 - Brisbane Trial Results - Intersection Departures (1.56 MB) (pdf)
Q4 - Brisbane Trial Results - SODPROPS (1.38 MB) (pdf)
PIR Factsheets
Brisbane PIR Terms of Referance
Brisbane NPR PIR ToR_FINAL.pdf (513 KB) (pdf)
Review_of_community_feedback__Draft_TOR_v0.2.pdf (827 KB) (pdf)
BNE NPR PIR ToR_FINAL_changes tracked from v0.2 (2).pdf (368 KB) (pdf)
BNE NPR PIR ToR_v0.2_for public comment_no markup.pdf (669 KB) (pdf)
BNE NPR PIR ToR_v0.2_for public comment_mark-up.pdf (597 KB) (pdf)
BNE NPR PIR ToR_v0.1 _Review of community feedback.pdf (1.14 MB) (pdf)
PIR ToR v0.1 for public comment - July 2021 (521 KB) (pdf)
ToR Community Meetings
Brisbane PIR Community Meetings (Nov 21)_Online Q&A.pdf (689 KB) (pdf)
23-10-21 community meeting - Brisbane PIR - Draft TOR Presentation.pdf (3.7 MB) (pdf)
18_10_21 - community meeting - Brisbane PIR Presentation (3.64 MB) (pdf)
15-10-21 community meeting - Brisbane PIR - Draft TOR presentation (3.65 MB) (pdf)
13-10-21 community meeting - Brisbane PIR - Draft TOR presentation (6.78 MB) (pdf)
Brisbane Aiport runway operations optimisation and PIR (March 2021).pdf (378 KB) (pdf)
PIR Factsheet - July 2021 (210 KB) (pdf)
Brisbane PIR FAQs
- What is the purpose of the PIR?
- What will be covered in the PIR?
- How long will the PIR process take?
- Why will the process take so long?
- Why are you doing a two phase PIR?
- Will the PIR redesign the flight paths?
- What capacity are the runways operating at currently?
- Will we have to wait up to 18 months for changes to be implemented?
- How can the community contribute to the Review?
- What are the main changes or alternatives that will be considered?
- How will the suggested alternatives be assessed?
- What are the different roles and responsibilities?
- Where can I find a copy of the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman Report on Brisbane flight path changes?