Brisbane Noise Improvement Trials – Quarterly Update
Airservices is pleased to provide the fourth quarterly update (24 November 2022 – 23 February 2023) for the current noise improvement trials in Brisbane.
Extended Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) trial
We are trialling the extension of SODPROPS operations from 6am to 8am on Saturday and Sunday mornings and from 8pm to 10pm on Saturday evenings, when weather conditions allow. When SODPROPS is in use, jets and most propeller-driven (turboprop) aircraft arrive and depart over Moreton Bay.
Please click here for fourth quarter trial results.
Over the last quarter, strong wind conditions and low cloud cover has reduced the opportunity to use SODPROPS during the extended trial hours and also during regular night time operating hours. Suitable weather conditions were available during the extended hours only on three days, one for the full extended period and two for partial periods.
Restriction on intersection departures from the New Parallel Runway trial
We are trialling restricting intersection departures for all aircraft (jets and turboprops - excluding emergency service aircraft) from the new runway over the city. This means aircraft will commence their take-off roll from the northern end of the new runway.
Please click here for fourth quarter trial results.
For more information on each trial, please visit the following links:
Extension of SODPROPS factsheet.
Restrictions on intersection departures from the new parallel runway factsheet.
We have been taking your feedback since the commencement of the noise improvement trials and we will now commence an evaluation to determine if they should become a permanent operation, be modified, or if they should cease.
We will be seeking further feedback from the community as we commence engagement on the first Noise Action Plan for Brisbane design options in March/April 2023.
We will continue to operate the noise improvement trials until completion of the evaluation.
This project is closed.