Sunshine Coast Airport Airspace Changes Runway 13/31

Panoramic image of beach and ocean at the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Sunshine Coast Council led the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project and has delivered the new runway (Runway 13/31). The new runway and associated flight paths became operational on 14 June 2020.

These flight paths will change the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Sunshine Coast Airport.

For more information on flight paths and aircraft operations, view our Fact Sheets here. Following community feedback, we have included both the minimum and average heights for departures, as heights for departures can vary depending on aircraft type. Heights for arriving aircraft continue to be presented as minimum heights, as heights for arrivals are less varied.

We have provided FAQs here.

Where can I access more information?

For information on current aircraft movements and flight paths, historical runway utilisation or monthly complaint reports for the Sunshine Coast, visit the Airservices website here (external site).

For information on aircraft noise, visit the Aircraft Noise Information Tool on the Sunshine Coast Airport website here (external site).

For more information on the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project, visit the Sunshine Coast Council website here (external site).

Sunshine Coast Council led the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project and has delivered the new runway (Runway 13/31). The new runway and associated flight paths became operational on 14 June 2020.

These flight paths will change the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Sunshine Coast Airport.

For more information on flight paths and aircraft operations, view our Fact Sheets here. Following community feedback, we have included both the minimum and average heights for departures, as heights for departures can vary depending on aircraft type. Heights for arriving aircraft continue to be presented as minimum heights, as heights for arrivals are less varied.

We have provided FAQs here.

Where can I access more information?

For information on current aircraft movements and flight paths, historical runway utilisation or monthly complaint reports for the Sunshine Coast, visit the Airservices website here (external site).

For information on aircraft noise, visit the Aircraft Noise Information Tool on the Sunshine Coast Airport website here (external site).

For more information on the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project, visit the Sunshine Coast Council website here (external site).

  • Information Update - Draft Terms of Reference Public Comment Period

    Thank you to everyone who has contacted us during the Post Implementation Review (PIR) draft Terms of Reference (ToR) public comment period.

    Based on some of the comments received, we would like to take this opportunity to provide some clarity on information regarding the scope, objectives and process.

    We would like to confirm that there are no pre-determined outcomes and the PIR is open to all members of the community. All individuals and community groups will have equal voice as we progress through the PIR.

    The draft ToR for the PIR speaks to Airservices commitment to undertake a review of flight paths at the Sunshine Coast Airport and states that:

    • Airservices conducts PIR into flight path changes and, in accepting the recommendations of the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman, can confirm this PIR is not constrained by the previous SCC EIS concepts and will encompass consideration of community suggested alternatives
    • The normal timeframe for a Post Implementation Review is the 12 month period immediately following implementation of new operations. However, as a result of the COVID-19 impacts on aircraft movements, we are unable to obtain representative and reliable data for noise modelling analysis, and this will be the case until operations at the airport return to a level of stability
    • To ensure that we commence the Post Implementation Review in a timely way, and address community interests, we are proposing a 2 phase process where the findings of Phase 1 will facilitate consideration of community suggested alternatives. Phase 2 activities (noise modelling and monitoring) will be shaped by and build on the findings of Phase 1
    • Subject to the ability to capture representative aircraft movement and noise data (needed for Phase 2), we anticipate that both phases will be complete within 18 months
    • We will apply our Community Engagement Framework (CEF) throughout this process. The CEF set out Airservices commitment to providing genuine engagement and opportunities for the community to influence outcomes of the Review. In addition the Principles contained in the draft ToR directly reflect what we heard from attendees at the first community meeting
    • Where safe and feasible flight path alternatives are suggested by community these will be considered the context of the Flight Path Design Principles (FPDP). The FPDP set out Airservices legislated responsibility and standards and the criteria for consideration of each of the Principles
    • We will apply the IAP2 Principles

    We recognise the community has a lot of interest in this project, however, the ToR will need to be finalised for the Post Implementation Review to progress.

    We will consider all community feedback and will provide a third version of the draft Terms of Reference for final comment.

    Once the Terms of Reference is finalised, we will prepare our draft Community Engagement Plan which will be provided for public comment. The Community Engagement Plan defines the engagement activities and is based on the agreed principles, scope and objectives of the Review that are captured in the Terms of Reference. The Community Engagement Plan can only be drafted once the Terms of Reference is finalised.

    Where we have received feedback in relation to aircraft operations and associated suggestions for noise improvements, these are being registered for consideration during Phase 1. For queries or complaints about current operations, please contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) here.

  • Post Implementation Review draft Terms of Reference public comment period

    We are pleased to advise that the draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Sunshine Coast Post Implementation Review (PIR) are now available for public comment.

    Access a copy of the draft ToR here or download it from the Resources tab.

    The public comment period will be open for 4 weeks, from 2 October 2020 - 1 November 2020 (midnight AEST).

    How can I get involved?

    Provide your feedback on the draft ToR by:

    We are working with a number of local representative community groups (listed in Airservices community meeting presentation). If you are a member of one or more of these groups, we encourage you to engage with that group to provide feedback.

    If you require assistance with accessing the draft ToR, including translation into other languages, please contact us here.

  • PIR Terms of Reference Community Meeting - 19 September 2020

    On 19 September 2020, we held the first of our community meetings for the Sunshine Coast Flight Path Post Implementation Review (PIR).

    The meeting was held at the Maroochy RSL, between 1pm and 5pm, and had participants from community groups, local councils, elected representatives, and Sunshine Coast Airport. The Aircraft Noise Ombudsman observed the meeting.

    The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Airservices draft Terms of Reference for the PIR.

    We thank everyone who participated, either in person, or on WebEx (despite some technical issues).

    Presentations and information from the meeting, including a video recording, will be available here.

    • Airservices presentation included:
      • the draft PIR scope
      • an overview of current Sunshine Coast operations
      • Sunshine Coast Flight Path Design Considerations
      • our process for considering community suggested alternatives for noise improvement.

    Download the Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) presentation here.

    Download the Sunshine Coast Flight Path Design Considerations here.

    • Buddina Flight Path Group presented information on their proposed flight path change.

    Download the presentation here.

    • Flight Path Forum submitted questions during the meeting.

    Download a copy of the Flight Path Forum questions here.

    Download a copy of our responses to these questions here.

    • Summary of Discussion

    We have reviewed the feedback and discussions from the meeting, and a summary is provided here.

    • Video recordings

    Access video recordings of the presentations during the meeting here.

    We are continuing to refine the draft Terms of Reference and these will be available for public comment. We will discuss the timing of the next steps with the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman and provide an update here.

    We have recently developed a new Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood portal for Sunshine Coast Airport, where you can learn about flight paths and aircraft movements. You can enter your address or drop a pin to see learn about operations in your area.

  • Post Implementation Review (PIR) Community Meeting

    Airservices Australia is pleased to announce the commencement of its Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the Sunshine Coast Airport Airspace Changes.

    On 19 September 2020 we will be holding a meeting with representatives of local community groups. This meeting will be an opportunity to learn more about the PIR process and discuss the draft PIR Terms of Reference.

    Due to COVID-19 social distancing measures attendance numbers are limited.

    To enable broader community participation we will video the meeting and will make it available here following the event.

    If you are interested in participating in the meeting but are not a member of an invited community group, you can email an expression of interest to and we will add your name to our wait list. Places will be allocated following RSVPs from invited groups.

  • ANO Report Update

    In May 2019, the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO) commenced an investigation into flight path changes at Sunshine Coast.

    The ANO provided Airservices with the report on 30 April 2020, and Airservices has accepted the two recommendations.

    The ANO released the report, and Airservices response, on the ANO website on 30 June 2020.

    The Investigation into complaints about the introduction of new flight paths in Sunshine Coast (April 2020) and Airservices' response can be accessed here (external site).

    Airservices thanks the ANO for providing this report and its recommendations.

  • ANO Report update

    Airservices has received the ANO report into the Multiple Complaints investigation for Sunshine Coast.

    In accordance with the ANO Charter, the Airservices Board will consider this report at its next scheduled meeting.

    The ANO will release the report in the next two to three weeks.

    We will also provide a link to the report here.

  • Sunshine Coast Airport Runway Update

    The Sunshine Coast Council has advised that the Sunshine Coast Airport’s new runway (RWY 13/31), planned to commence operations on 21 May 2020, will now be operational on 14 June 2020, subject to weather and COVID-19 not disrupting the program.

    Council has advised that any such disruptions to the program may mean the date of 14 June 2020 will not be able to be met and programming will have to be reviewed.

    The existing runway (RWY 18/36) will remain active and in use until the new runway is operational. Aircraft, including medical and emergency, charter flights and general aviation, will continue to use the current flight paths to the existing runway until the new runway is open.

    You can read more about the runway update on the Sunshine Coast Council News Centre website (external site).

  • CASA Checking of Approach and Departure Procedures - Tuesday 17 March 2020

    The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) will be checking the approach and departure procedures for the new runway on Tuesday 17 March. This is expected to occur in the morning.

    Local residents may observe a twin-engine aircraft flying a low and uncommon flight pattern up to 35 kilometres from the airport. Further information on this can be found on the CASA website.

  • Airspace Change Proposal approved

    On 30 July 2019 Airservices submitted an Airspace Change Proposal (ACP) to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) for consideration.

    On 9 October 2019 CASA OAR approved the changes to airspace volumes to support operations to Sunshine Coast Airport’s new runway 13/31.

    These changes will ensure the required flight paths and airspace are ready to support operations when the runway opens.

    Yandina Quarry Operations

    We are aware that some community members expressed concern regarding the potential aviation safety risk associated with operations at Yandina Quarry.

    CASA OAR advised Airservices that they received an application for a Danger Area due to blasting at the Yandina Quarry on 26 August 2014.

    They reviewed the application and identified that the height of the fly rock does not exceed ground level during regular blasting activities, therefore it does not pose a hazard to aviation.

    CASA OAR determined the activities do not warrant the establishment of a Danger Area and did not impose conditions on either the air traffic management at Sunshine Coast Airport.

  • Release of Airservices TEIA Version 2

    Airservices proposed final design for airspace and flight path changes at the Sunshine Coast was shaped by community feedback, and this design has been assessed for environmental impacts in Airservices Targeted Environmental Impact Assessment Version 2 (TEIA V2). The findings of TEIA V2 remain consistent with the findings of the approved EIS.

    The TEIA V2 can be accessed under the Resources section. Please note due to the large file size we have split the TEIA V2 into several smaller documents for ease of downloading.

Page last updated: 03 Jun 2024, 01:27 PM