Engaging with Airservices

Airservices Community Engagement Framework (CEF) provides a rigorous process for delivery of community engagement activity for flight path and associated airspace changes. The CEF was developed based on stakeholder feedback on previous engagement activity, findings of Aircraft Noise Ombudsman investigations and following consideration of established “best practice” engagement processes, models and practices.

View our Community Engagement Framework Overview here.

View our Commitment to Community Engagement here.

Our Community Engagement Approach

We will engage with you on flight path and airspace changes that may impact you, using a range of engagement methods and activities, dependent on the scale and breadth of the change.

We will provide you with clear information on the proposed changes, the timeframes for the change, how you can be involved and influence the change, and how the decision will be made.

We will communicate with you at the earliest possible opportunity in the flight path change process.
We will use a range of engagement methods to ensure information is accessible to, and inclusive of, all stakeholders, including use of our Engage Airservices website to host fact sheets, infographics, FAQs, videos, and through face-to-face engagement activities.

We will be proactive in promoting our engagement. We will use a range of methods including website updates, social and traditional media, e-newsletters, and direct correspondence with stakeholders, and people who are on our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) database or registered with us through Engage Airservices.
We will identify stakeholders who are potentially affected by a change based on the expected noise and visual impacts for each change.

We will ensure accessibility through online language translation and a text to speech function and access to a telephone interpreter service.

We will be inclusive in seeking feedback from all stakeholders using a range of methods, including online surveys, Q&As, submissions and face-to-face engagement activities.

We will be responsive and transparent in considering all feedback and sharing information on our decision-making processes, including how community inputs have been considered and shaped final outcomes.

Professional Standards and Guidance

We use the International Association for Public Participation Australasia (IAP2) Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation and IAP2 Quality Assurance Standard in our community engagement practice.

We are guided by the Australian Public Service Framework for Engagement and Participation.

Submitting Feedback

When we are consulting on proposed flight path changes, the opportunity for feedback will be available through the relevant project page. Questions regarding the proposed change, including community engagement activities, can also be submitted through the project page.

Submitting a Complaint

Airservices manages complaints and enquiries about aircraft noise and operations, and our community engagement activities through our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).

To find out more, please visit Making a Complaint on the Airservices website.

Airservices Community Engagement Framework (CEF) provides a rigorous process for delivery of community engagement activity for flight path and associated airspace changes. The CEF was developed based on stakeholder feedback on previous engagement activity, findings of Aircraft Noise Ombudsman investigations and following consideration of established “best practice” engagement processes, models and practices.

View our Community Engagement Framework Overview here.

View our Commitment to Community Engagement here.

Our Community Engagement Approach

We will engage with you on flight path and airspace changes that may impact you, using a range of engagement methods and activities, dependent on the scale and breadth of the change.

We will provide you with clear information on the proposed changes, the timeframes for the change, how you can be involved and influence the change, and how the decision will be made.

We will communicate with you at the earliest possible opportunity in the flight path change process.
We will use a range of engagement methods to ensure information is accessible to, and inclusive of, all stakeholders, including use of our Engage Airservices website to host fact sheets, infographics, FAQs, videos, and through face-to-face engagement activities.

We will be proactive in promoting our engagement. We will use a range of methods including website updates, social and traditional media, e-newsletters, and direct correspondence with stakeholders, and people who are on our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) database or registered with us through Engage Airservices.
We will identify stakeholders who are potentially affected by a change based on the expected noise and visual impacts for each change.

We will ensure accessibility through online language translation and a text to speech function and access to a telephone interpreter service.

We will be inclusive in seeking feedback from all stakeholders using a range of methods, including online surveys, Q&As, submissions and face-to-face engagement activities.

We will be responsive and transparent in considering all feedback and sharing information on our decision-making processes, including how community inputs have been considered and shaped final outcomes.

Professional Standards and Guidance

We use the International Association for Public Participation Australasia (IAP2) Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation and IAP2 Quality Assurance Standard in our community engagement practice.

We are guided by the Australian Public Service Framework for Engagement and Participation.

Submitting Feedback

When we are consulting on proposed flight path changes, the opportunity for feedback will be available through the relevant project page. Questions regarding the proposed change, including community engagement activities, can also be submitted through the project page.

Submitting a Complaint

Airservices manages complaints and enquiries about aircraft noise and operations, and our community engagement activities through our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).

To find out more, please visit Making a Complaint on the Airservices website.

Page last updated: 11 Jul 2023, 04:37 PM