Sunshine Coast Airport Airspace Changes Runway 13/31

Panoramic image of beach and ocean at the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Sunshine Coast Council led the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project and has delivered the new runway (Runway 13/31). The new runway and associated flight paths became operational on 14 June 2020.

These flight paths will change the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Sunshine Coast Airport.

For more information on flight paths and aircraft operations, view our Fact Sheets here. Following community feedback, we have included both the minimum and average heights for departures, as heights for departures can vary depending on aircraft type. Heights for arriving aircraft continue to be presented as minimum heights, as heights for arrivals are less varied.

We have provided FAQs here.

Where can I access more information?

For information on current aircraft movements and flight paths, historical runway utilisation or monthly complaint reports for the Sunshine Coast, visit the Airservices website here (external site).

For information on aircraft noise, visit the Aircraft Noise Information Tool on the Sunshine Coast Airport website here (external site).

For more information on the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project, visit the Sunshine Coast Council website here (external site).

Sunshine Coast Council led the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project and has delivered the new runway (Runway 13/31). The new runway and associated flight paths became operational on 14 June 2020.

These flight paths will change the way aircraft operate as they arrive and depart from Sunshine Coast Airport.

For more information on flight paths and aircraft operations, view our Fact Sheets here. Following community feedback, we have included both the minimum and average heights for departures, as heights for departures can vary depending on aircraft type. Heights for arriving aircraft continue to be presented as minimum heights, as heights for arrivals are less varied.

We have provided FAQs here.

Where can I access more information?

For information on current aircraft movements and flight paths, historical runway utilisation or monthly complaint reports for the Sunshine Coast, visit the Airservices website here (external site).

For information on aircraft noise, visit the Aircraft Noise Information Tool on the Sunshine Coast Airport website here (external site).

For more information on the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project, visit the Sunshine Coast Council website here (external site).

  • 5 August Webex Meeting Q&As and NAP submission extension

    Please see the response document for the questions raised during the Webex.

    A recording of the Webex is available in the Videos section.

    We apologise for the time it has take to provide the responses from the Webex meeting question, however many required detailed consideration to ensure we provided a full and accurate response.

    NAP submission extension

    We are extending the deadline for submissions on NAPs to 26 September 2021 so the responses to the Webex questions can be considered in forming submissions. If you have already made a submission and the responses to the Webex questions have implications for the submission, we are happy to receive subsequent or updated submissions

    Please note, we are not expecting community members to design a fully compliant NAP or other operational suggestion, but to simply identify areas for possible concern or improvement and we can then consider potential solutions.

  • Webex Meeting - Noise Modelling and NAPs

    Thank you to everybody who participated in the Webex meeting.

    A copy of the presentation is available here

    A recording of the Webex is available in the Videos section.

    We will provide a summary document of the Q&A topics from the Webex.

  • Noise Modelling and Noise Abatement Procedures

    Release of Noise Modelling Report

    As per the activities outlined in the final Terms of Reference (ToR), we have undertaken modelling of current noise impacts from aircraft movement based on actual movement data with consideration of altitude and terrain.

    The Noise Modelling Review can be found here.

    FAQs about noise modelling can be found in here.

    Submitting Feedback or Suggestions on the Noise Abatement Procedures (NAPs)

    Feedback and suggestions can be submitted from Tuesday 20 July to Monday 13 September 2021 (5pm local time).

    To submit feedback or a suggestion complete our online survey.

    The survey will take you through a series of questions to provide us with the required information. You will be able to attach files and images to the survey.

    IMPORTANT: Before you submit your feedback or suggestions on the Noise Abatement Procedures please read our fact sheet here.

    We realise that many community members may have similar questions and when we receive questions on the NAPs, as well as noise modelling and monitoring, we will provide updates on our FAQs section. This section will be updated during the PIR to assist with providing consistent information to the community.

    Upcoming Webex

    We will be holding a Webex within the next few weeks to answer questions about the noise modelling, NAPs and noise monitoring. Further information about the date and how to register will be provided soon.

  • PIR Activity Update

    We are currently preparing information on the Sunshine Coast Noise Abatement Procedures (NAPs) and noise modelling data for release on this page in the coming days.

    In the meantime if you would like to read more about the current NAPs please visit our Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood page here.

    Following release of the NAPs information and noise modelling data we will have a community submission period for suggested changes to the NAPs.

  • Short-term Noise Monitor Expression of Interest Closed

    The Expressions of Interest (EOI) for short-term noise monitor locations has now closed.

    Thank you to all community members who submitted an EOI. We received 44 EOIs from a range of locations.

    We will review these EOIs and contact potentially suitable locations to organise further investigations and site testing.

  • Reminder: Short-term Noise Monitor EOI Closes Soon

    Expressions of Interest (EOI) for short-term noise monitor locations close at 5pm (local time) Friday, 25 June 2021.

    For more information read our Short-term noise monitor site feasibility assessment here and fact sheet here.

    Submit your expression of interest for hosting a short-term noise monitor by completing our short survey here.

    Vote in our quick poll (see the right hand side of this project page) to let us know if you would like the noise monitor period extended.

  • Release of Final Community Engagement Plan

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP) v0.2. We have now considered all feedback and finalised the CEP.

    You can view the final CEP here and with changes tracked here.

    A summary of the feedback received and our response to it can be viewed here.

    A large number of comments received were addressed in our Review of Feedback provided for CEP v0.1. This can be viewed here. To avoid duplication, we have not responded to these comments again, instead focusing on new feedback submitted.

    We have identified that a few elements of the Post Implementation Review (PIR) and CEP remain unclear to some community members. We have addressed these in the feedback summary document and updated our FAQs to provide further detailed information on:

    • The application of IAP2 Spectrum Levels of Engagement
    • The purpose of noise modelling vs noise monitoring
    • The availability of three noise monitors to this PIR
    • The two phase approach of the PIR
    • Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) complaints process

    PIR Timing

    We have recently seen a recovery of Sunshine Coast Airport movements to pre COVID levels and this means we are able to deliver the PIR in a single phase. The CEP has been updated to reflect this and an addendum added to the Terms of Reference to note all activity occurring in a single phase. We will now undertake an expression of interest (EOI) for short-term noise monitoring as our first engagement activity.

    We had a number of different requests from the community about timing which we have attempted to balance. These included; not wanting to consider more than one key element at once, avoiding holiday periods, providing sufficient time to consider information provided and formulate responses, and completing the PIR in as short a timeframe as possible.

    We have attempted to reduce timeframes and have brought forward some decision points, particularly in relation to the review of operations and Noise Abatement Procedures (NAPs), however we cannot reduce the total PIR timeframe significantly without requesting the community consider more than one element of the PIR at one time or encroaching into holiday periods. We have suggested a flexible approach during implementation, where if the community feels an action can be brought forward, we will attempt to support that where our resourcing allows.

  • Short-term Noise Monitor Expression of Interest Open

    We are seeking assistance from the community to identify appropriate private properties that are within or close to five potential short-term noise monitor installation zones identified by Airservices through our Short-term noise monitor site feasibility assessment which can be accessed here.

    These zones experience regular scheduled passenger aircraft operations, are fully or partly within our modelled N60 or N70 noise contours and are complaint with noise monitoring standards.

    We have three noise monitors available to the PIR and are planning to have the short-term noise monitors installed in August for a period of three months. This is consistent with our PIR procedures and will be dependent on identification of appropriate sites and negotiation with property owners.

    Recognising community feedback asking that we undertake noise monitoring in more than three locations, we may be able to extend the monitoring period to six months and move the monitor/s to new locations after three months of data capture at initial locations. However, this would extend the overall PIR timeframes by another three months as we are unable to complete our analysis of the noise monitoring data and review of EIA assumptions and findings until the noise monitoring is complete. To vote on this option take our quick poll on the right hand side of this project page.

    Further information about short-term noise monitors and site suitability is provided in our fact sheet here.

    You can submit your expression of interest for hosting a short-term noise monitor by completing our short survey here.

    The survey asks for your address, specific site information and local information you believe may be relevant regarding site suitability.

    Expressions of Interest close at 5pm (local time) Friday, 25 June 2021.

  • Draft Community Engagement Plan Review Period Closed

    The review period for the draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP) v0.2 is now closed.

    We thank everyone who participated by providing feedback on the draft CEP.

    We will consider all community feedback and will provide an updated final version of the CEP on this project page.

  • PIR activity update

    Draft Community Engagement Plan

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP).

    An updated draft CEP is now available for review for three weeks, from Monday 29 March 2021 to Friday 30 April 2021 (midnight AEST). This review period excludes the two-week Easter holiday period.

    Access the updated draft CEP here.

    A summary of the feedback received and how we considered it is available here.

    Short-Term Noise Monitoring Feasibility Study

    We have commenced our site feasibility study to identify potential zones in which we may place noise monitors. Once we have completed the feasibility study, we will provide these zones and supporting information to the community and commence engagement on suitable monitoring locations.

    Next Steps

    We will release the final CEP and the Noise Monitoring Site Feasibility Study Report shortly after the current community review period closes, depending on volume of feedback. We will then commence engagement on suitable locations to site the noise monitors.

    Information on timeframes for the community suggested alternative submission period has been included in the updated draft CEP.

Page last updated: 03 Jun 2024, 01:27 PM