Release of Final Community Engagement Plan
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP) v0.2. We have now considered all feedback and finalised the CEP.
You can view the final CEP here and with changes tracked here.
A summary of the feedback received and our response to it can be viewed here.
A large number of comments received were addressed in our Review of Feedback provided for CEP v0.1. This can be viewed here. To avoid duplication, we have not responded to these comments again, instead focusing on new feedback submitted.
We have identified that a few elements of the Post Implementation Review (PIR) and CEP remain unclear to some community members. We have addressed these in the feedback summary document and updated our FAQs to provide further detailed information on:
- The application of IAP2 Spectrum Levels of Engagement
- The purpose of noise modelling vs noise monitoring
- The availability of three noise monitors to this PIR
- The two phase approach of the PIR
- Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) complaints process
PIR Timing
We have recently seen a recovery of Sunshine Coast Airport movements to pre COVID levels and this means we are able to deliver the PIR in a single phase. The CEP has been updated to reflect this and an addendum added to the Terms of Reference to note all activity occurring in a single phase. We will now undertake an expression of interest (EOI) for short-term noise monitoring as our first engagement activity.
We had a number of different requests from the community about timing which we have attempted to balance. These included; not wanting to consider more than one key element at once, avoiding holiday periods, providing sufficient time to consider information provided and formulate responses, and completing the PIR in as short a timeframe as possible.
We have attempted to reduce timeframes and have brought forward some decision points, particularly in relation to the review of operations and Noise Abatement Procedures (NAPs), however we cannot reduce the total PIR timeframe significantly without requesting the community consider more than one element of the PIR at one time or encroaching into holiday periods. We have suggested a flexible approach during implementation, where if the community feels an action can be brought forward, we will attempt to support that where our resourcing allows.