2019 Changes
This page provides a summary of the flight path and airspace changes we implemented in 2019.
To learn more about each change click on the title of the change below or access the document library on the right.
For questions about the below changes and/or matters relating to current aircraft operations, please contact our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
To learn more about each change click on the title of the change below or access the document library on the right.
For questions about the below changes and/or matters relating to current aircraft operations, please contact our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
This page provides a summary of the flight path and airspace changes we implemented in 2019.
Brisbane Airport - Airspace Change for Medical Helicopters
4 April 2019
What do we want to change?
Medical helicopters often transport patients to and from hospitals in central Brisbane, including Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Mater Hospital and Queensland Children’s Hospital.
Currently these helicopters have to ask for clearance from Brisbane Air Traffic Control, which can lead to delays.
This is because the helicopters are operating in controlled airspace meaning they have to share it with other aircraft who are also receiving instructions from Air Traffic Control.
We want to change an area of airspace between these hospitals to be uncontrolled airspace, meaning aircraft do not need clearance from Air Traffic Control to use it.
This change will make it easier and quicker for medical helicopters to get to and from these hospitals.
The changes will commence in November 2019.
What will this mean for the community?
The Brisbane Airspace Change for Medical Helicopters Fact Sheet provides more information about what is going to change.
Where can I get more information?
For general information on flight path changes, contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) on:
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
General feedback can be provided:
Via online form at: https://feedback.emsbk.com/asa
Mail to: Feedback c/o Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO BOX 211 Mascot NSW 1460
Fact Sheet – Brisbane Airspace Change for Medical Helicopters (April 2019)
Coffs Harbour - Changes to Approach Procedures
8 April 2019
When will this change occur?
Airservices will make changes to approach procedures for aircraft arriving to Coffs Harbour Airport from 18 July 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
Since 2007, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has encouraged its members to implement approach procedures with vertical (straight up and down) guidance to improve safety for aircraft arriving to and landing at airports.
One way to do this is to make it possible for aircraft to use Baro-VNAV technology.
Baro-VNAV is a technology available on most modern aircraft. It allows aircraft to land more smoothly, without using ground based navigation equipment. It also reduces the workload for pilots and decreases their reliance on visual assessments, making landing safer.
The introduction of Baro-NAV technology requires a number of minor changes to existing arrival procedures at Coffs Harbour Airport.
What is going to change?
For more information on the changes please see the Fact Sheet – Coffs Harbour Approach Procedures Changes under Resources.
How can I get more information?
For general information on flight path changes, contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) on:
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
General feedback can be provided:
- Via online form at: https://feedback.emsbk.com/asa
- Mail to: Feedback c/o Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO BOX 211 Mascot NSW 1460
Fact Sheet – Coffs Harbour Approach Procedures Changes (April 2019)
Coondewanna Airport - Airspace Change
Proposed amendment to approach procedure at Coondewanna Airport
18 April 2019
Airservices conducted community consultation on the Coondewanna Airport Proposed Airspace Change from 20 February 2019 – 3 April 2019.
No community feedback was received on the proposal.
The proposal will proceed to implementation in June 2019.
For more information please see the Coondewanna Airport – Proposed Amendment to Approach Procedure at Runway 08 Fact Sheet under Downloads.
20 February 2019
When will this change occur?
Airservices is proposing to implement an amendment to the approach procedure at Runway 08 at Coondewanna Airport from June 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
The proposed change was identified during a cyclical three year review of approach procedures at the airport, and will provide a stabilised approach and allow for more accurate visual approaches.
What is going to change?
The amendment is a reduction in altitude of 110 feet (from 3440 feet to 3330 feet) within 6 – 10 kilometres from the runway threshold. Aircraft may be observed to be tracking slightly lower along this segment as a result of the amendment.
For more information please see the Coondewanna Airport – Proposed Amendment to Approach Procedure at Runway 08 Fact Sheet (February 2019) under Resources.
How can I have my say?
To provide feedback and/or to register to receive information on flight path changes, please contact Airservices Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) via:
- Online form at: https://feedback.emsbk.com/asa
- Mail to Feedback c/o Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO BOX 211 Mascot NSW 1460
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
Feedback closes on 3 April 2019.
Devonport Airport - Changes to Approach Procedures
Proposed changes to approach procedures at Devonport Airport
7 January 2019
Feedback closed on 30 May 2019. Airservices considered the feedback from the community and the change proceeded to implementation in late 2019.
For a summary of the activities undertaken for this change please see Devonport Summary of Feedback – June 2019 under resources.
Proposed changes to approach procedures at Devonport Airport
18 April 2019
When will this change occur?
Airservices is proposing changes to approach procedures for aircraft arriving to Devonport Airport from August 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
Since 2007, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has encouraged its members to implement approach procedures with vertical (straight up and down) guidance to improve safety for aircraft arriving to and landing at airports.
One way to do this is to make it possible for aircraft to use Baro-VNAV technology.
Baro-VNAV is a technology available on most modern aircraft. It allows aircraft to land more smoothly, without using ground based navigation equipment. It also reduces the workload for pilots and decreases their reliance on visual assessments, making landing safer.
The introduction of Baro-NAV technology requires a number of changes to existing arrival procedures at Devonport Airport.
What is going to change?
For more information on the changes please see the Fact Sheet – Changes to approach procedures at Devonport Airport (April 2019) under Resources.
How can I get more information?
For general information on flight path changes, contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) on:
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
Feedback can be provided:
- Via online form at: https://feedback.emsbk.com/asa
- Mail to: Feedback c/o Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO BOX 211 Mascot NSW 1460
Feedback closes on 30 May 2019.
Fact Sheet – Changes to approach procedures at Devonport Airport (April 2019)
Devonport Summary of Feedback – June 2019 -
Flinders Island Airport - Changes to Approach Procedures
Airservices implemented these changes in August 2019.
Changes to approach procedures at Flinders Island Airport
30 April 2019
When will this change occur?
Airservices will make changes to some approach procedures for aircraft arriving to Flinders Island Airport from August 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
Since 2007, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has encouraged its members to implement approach procedures with vertical (straight up and down) guidance to improve safety for aircraft arriving to and landing at airports.
One way to do this is to make it possible for aircraft to use Baro-VNAV technology.
Baro-VNAV is a technology available on most modern aircraft. It allows aircraft to land more smoothly, without using ground based navigation equipment. It also reduces the workload for pilots and decreases their reliance on visual assessments, making landing safer.
The introduction of Baro-NAV technology requires minor changes to existing arrival procedures at Flinders Island Airport.
What is going to change?
For more information on the changes please see the Fact Sheet – Flinders Island Approach Procedures Change (April 2019) under Resources.
How can I get more information?
For general information on flight path changes, contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) on:
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
General feedback can be provided:
- Via online form at: https://feedback.emsbk.com/asa
- Mail to: Feedback c/o Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO BOX 211 Mascot NSW 1460
Fact Sheet – Flinders Island Approach Procedures Change (April 2019)
Gold Coast Airport - Changes to High Altitude Routes
Changes to high altitude routes for jets arriving from the west and northwest
5 April 2019
Airservices conducted community consultation on the proposed changes to high altitude routes for jets arriving from the west and northwest from 5 February 2019 – 19 March 2019.
Airservices received one submission about the proposal. The submission was not supportive of the proposal and suggested that it would lead to concentrated noise.
Due to limited feedback and no alternative suggestions for flight path design, the change will proceed to implementation on 15 August 2019.
5 February 2019
When will this change occur?
- Airservices proposes to implement changes to high altitude routes for jets arriving from the west and northwest to Gold Coast Airport from April 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
- The proposed changes will create predictable traffic flow for aircraft using these routes and will improve safety by reducing workload for pilots and air traffic controllers.
What is going to change?
- Currently jet aircraft arriving at high altitudes (8,000 – 20,000 feet) from the west and northwest into the Gold Coast are not required to flight plan along specific routes.
- The proposed change will specify that jet aircraft fly set routes, using existing waypoints.
- The proposed change may result in increased concentration of traffic, due to jet aircraft following the prescribed routes, but this will not lead to an overall increase in the number of aircraft movements.
- There will be no change to aircraft altitudes or aircraft types as a result of the proposed changes.
Operations at Gold Coast Airport are restricted by a curfew between 11pm and 6am Queensland time, aircraft will not be flying these routes during the curfew hours.
For more information please see the Gold Coast Airport High Altitude Route Changes Fact Sheet (February 2019) under Resources.
How can I have my say?
Feedback can be provided:
- Via online form at: https://feedback.emsbk.com/asa
- Mail to: Feedback c/o Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO BOX 211 Mascot NSW 1460
For general information on flight path changes, contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) on:
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
Feedback closes on 19 March 2019.
Gold Coast Airport High Altitude Route Changes Fact Sheet (February 2019)
- Airservices proposes to implement changes to high altitude routes for jets arriving from the west and northwest to Gold Coast Airport from April 2019.
Gold Coast Airport - Temporary Noise Monitors
23 October 2019
A Summary of Feedback for the community consultation on the Gold Coast Temporary Noise Monitors for the Instrument Landing System (ILS) Post Implementation Review (PIR) is now available on Airservices Engage Airservices Temporary Noise Monitor project page.
The Summary also includes the preferred zone for the installation of the second Temporary Noise Monitor, which will be installed north of Miami to provide information to the community on ILS operations in the vectoring and early approach area.
The Temporary Noise Monitors will be installed on 28 October 2019.
2 October 2019
Consultation on the Gold Coast Temporary Noise Monitors has now closed.
A Summary of Feedback will be available shortly on the Engage Airservices site. We will also provide confirmation of which zone was determined for placement of the Temporary Noise Monitors, and how to access data from the noise monitors.
We would like to thank interested community members who downloaded and viewed information through the Engage Airservices site.
17 September 2019
In February 2019, Airservices implemented the Instrument Landing System (ILS) at the Gold Coast.
Advice received from the then Minister for Transport and the Department of Environment in 2015 recommended that Airservices undertake a Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the Environmental Assessment of the Gold Coast Airport ILS, within 12-18 months of implementation.
This advice stated that noise monitoring of 3 months would be adequate to collect sufficient data to support the PIR, including verifying predicted noise levels, identifying non-compliances and informing corrective actions.
We will be undertaking a PIR for the Gold Coast ILS and will implement a temporary noise monitor in the Miami area (underneath the ILS flight path) to support the PIR. Additionally, we are proposing a second temporary noise monitor which will provide information from the ILS vectoring corridor/early approach area further north, where aircraft will be in the early stages of the ILS approach.
The second temporary noise monitor will be used to provide additional information to the community on ILS operations in the vectoring corridor/early approach area.
Due to the variable position of overflights in this area, it is unlikely that noise monitoring in this area will be utilised to validate noise levels.
We are seeking feedback from community members with local knowledge of potential sources of noise to be considered by Airservices in determining the location of the additional Temporary Noise Monitor in the ILS vectoring and early approach area.
Feedback and information from local community members will supplement the technical data that we traditionally use to inform placement of noise monitors and closes 1 October 2019.
Please visit Engage Airservices to access:
- an interactive map of the proposed zones
- Fact Sheet; and
- Frequently asked Questions
Information on the ‘Engage Airservices’ platform can be accessed without registering, however if you would like to submit feedback or comment on the interactive map, you will need to register.
More information about the registration process is available at https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/whyregister and our guide for using the ‘Engage Airservices’ platform.
Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport
4 February 2019
Following flight path validation completed in December 2018, the Instrument Landing System (ILS) will be operational at Gold Coast Airport from 28 February 2019.
An overview of the ILS can be found in the updated Fact sheet: Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport (February 2019).
Airservices has released an updated Fact Sheet: Noise Abatement Procedures for Gold Coast Airport (February 2019). Noise Abatement Procedures will ensure that alternative flight paths are used in preference to the ILS. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) conditions required Airservices to design Noise Abatement Procedures (NAPs) to minimise the use of the ILS to situations where poor weather conditions affect visibility, for operational requirements, and during emergencies.
22 November 2018
Aircraft are expected to start using the ILS in early 2019. Before it is available to airlines the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) requires that the ILS is flight inspected and that the flight path is validated by a specialist calibration aircraft. The flight inspections occurred between 16-18 November and flight path validation is scheduled to occur on 4 December 2018.
Airservices has released a new fact sheet on Noise Abatement Procedures. Noise Abatement Procedures will ensure that alternative flight paths are used in preference to the ILS, unless operationally required due to weather or other reasons.
When in use, the new ILS flight paths will have a varying effect on suburbs to the north of the airport. A detailed overview can be found in the updated Fact sheet: Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport November 2018.
Previous Updates
October 2017
At Gold Coast Airport, an Instrument Landing System (ILS) will provide vertical and horizontal guidance to pilots when landing in low visibility weather conditions, reducing flight delays and diversions. The Gold Coast typically experiences low visibility weather conditions due to tropical storms and high rainfall during the summer months, which is the region’s peak travel season.
As it is being installed on Runway 14, use of the ILS will require a new flight path extending north in a straight line from the runway to approximately Surfers Paradise.
Construction works and flight path validation will take approximately 12 months. Aircraft are expected to start using the ILS in early 2018. Before it is available to airlines the Civil Aviation Safety Authority will require that the ILS flight path is flown by a specialist calibration aircraft.
Noise abatement procedures will ensure that alternative flight paths are used in preference to the ILS unless operationally required due to weather or other reasons. Usage will vary according to weather conditions. When the weather is fine there may be days when the ILS is not used at all. On days when the weather is poor, all aircraft may need to use the ILS. When ILS usage is averaged out over the year it is expected to average six flights per day based on forecasts in Gold Coast Airport’s Major Development Plan.
ILS flight path
The ILS will need a new flight path extending north for about 18 kilometres (10 nautical miles) in a straight line from the northern end of the main runway to approximately Surfers Paradise (see map 1). This will give aircraft enough opportunity to ‘line up’ to the runway and ‘lock in’ with the ILS to receive guidance to the runway.
Much of this flight path is over residential land instead of over the ocean where most existing arrival flight paths are located. This will also mean a longer flying distance for those aircraft arriving from the south and east of the airport. At the starting point of the ILS approach flight path, 18 kilometres from the runway, aircraft will be more than 750 metres high or 2500 feet above ground level. Aircraft will generally perform a smooth constant descent once established in a straight line with the runway.
Map 1: The ILS flight path is shown by solid yellow lines. Some aircraft may fly through the region between the dotted lines as they travel to join the ILS flight path.
For information on flight paths currently in use, visit our online information about Gold Coast Airport or WebTrak.
How will the ILS affect me?
When in use, the new ILS flight paths will have a varying effect on suburbs to the north of the airport. In the map below, suburbs have been grouped into regions to more effectively explain the aircraft noise impacts when the ILS is in use. A detailed description of the noise effects for each region appears below the map.
MAP 2: How noise from the ILS flight path will affect residents. Suburbs are grouped into regions to more effectively explain the noise impacts when the ILS is in use.
Region 1 (green)
The proposed ILS flight path will be very similar to the existing approach flight paths to Runway 14 so the suburbs of Currumbin, Tugun and Bilinga are not expected to experience any additional aircraft noise impacts as a result.
Region 2 (orange)
Residents in this area, from Palm Beach to Surfers Paradise, currently experience a low level of aircraft noise. This area is expected to experience noticeable increases in aircraft noise when the ILS is used as aircraft will be travelling overhead instead of being some distance to the east over the ocean. Region 2 is expected to experience additional aircraft noise events of up to 74 dB(A) which is similar to the sound you may hear when a truck drives down your street and you are inside your home. Residents may perceive the increase in aircraft noise as up to twice as loud in some areas of Region 2.
Region 3 (solid and striped pink)
Region 3 is not expected to experience significant noise impacts as a result of the ILS. Aircraft arriving from the north using the ILS will generally fly within the solid pink coastal corridor on the map, spanning the suburbs of Runaway Bay to Surfers Paradise. Most international aircraft arriving into the Gold Coast from the north will fly over this region.
The suburbs of Varsity Lakes to Helensvale make up the striped, left portion of Region 3. A small number of aircraft could fly over this region to join the ILS flight path in order to avoid extreme weather events, to spread high volumes of air traffic or to respond to medical or aircraft emergencies.
- Fact sheet: Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport (February 2019)
- Fact Sheet: Noise Abatement Procedures for Gold Coast Airport (February 2019)
- Fact Sheet: Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport (November 2018)
- Fact Sheet: Noise Abatement Procedures Gold Coast Airport (November 2018)
- Explore flight paths and runway use through our online information about Gold Coast Airport
- Fact sheet: Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport (October 2017)
Gold Coast ILS FAQs
How long will the ILS take to build?
The ILS will take 12-18 months from commencement of construction to approval for use by aircraft. It is anticipated that residents can expect to see aircraft flying the ILS in mid to late 2018. Before it is available to airlines the Civil Aviation Safety Authority will require that the ILS flight path be flown by a specialist calibration aircraft.
When will the ILS be used?
It is essential to remember that air traffic control are required to provide the most appropriate approach procedure available to ensure the safe landing of aircraft and in all weather conditions, pilots must be able to see the runway before landing.
The ILS will be available every day of the year to aircraft (international and domestic) arriving on Runway 14 at Gold Coast Airport, however use of this procedure will depend on a number of conditions.
The precise number of flights expected to use the ILS is difficult to predict as the decision to fly the ILS approach is made by the pilot based on a number of factors. These include weather conditions, as well as the type of landing technology used by respective airlines.
Aircraft arriving to Gold Coast Airport from the north onto Runway 14 prefer to use the satellite-based navigation procedure ‘Required Navigation Performance’ (RNP) as this approach is the most technologically advanced – with both horizontal and vertical guidance and provides the greatest safety and efficiency benefits. This approach keeps aircraft over water until Currumbin Creek.
If the aircraft is operated by an Australian or New Zealand carrier, the pilot is also permitted to request a visual approach, which follows a similar flight path to the RNP approach.
If the weather on the day is poor visual approaches may not be available, as the line of sight to the runway may be obscured by cloud. In this case, providing the cloud is high enough for the pilot to see the runway one of the satellite-based navigation procedures (RNP or Area Navigation (RNAV)) approaches will be used.
Primarily, when the weather is very poor and the cloud is low, with limited visibility it is likely that all aircraft arriving at Gold Coast airport from the north using Runway 14 will require the use of the ILS to see the runway.
The ILS may also be used if operationally required or required for emergencies such as a failure of the satellite or any equipment that prevents use of satellite-based navigation.
Will noise abatement procedures be used?
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) decision has required that noise abatement measures be drafted for implementation.
Noise Abatement Procedures will be put in place before the ILS is available to airlines to ensure that alternative flight paths will be used unless operational conditions require or as a contingency if there are no other options available to the pilot.
Noise abatement procedures will also apply to military and jet training aircraft.
Will training aircraft be allowed to use the ILS in fine weather?
Light aircraft currently carry out pilot training on instrument approaches close to the ILS flight path and overfly similar residential areas to the ILS flight path. Whilst these flights will continue to be used, Airservices may limit the schedule for, or amount of, light aircraft using the ILS. Jet aircraft training will not be permitted.
Are military aircraft permitted to use the ILS?
Military aircraft will be subject to the same Noise Abatement Procedures as other aircraft. The ILS will only be available to these aircraft when operational conditions require.
Please refer to fact sheets Instrument Landing System for Gold Coast Airport and What is an Instrument Landing System for further information.
What is an instrument landing system?
An Instrument Landing System (ILS) is a highly accurate radio signal navigation aid consisting of two antennas which transmit signals to receivers in the aircraft cockpit—a glide path tower located next to the runway at the northern end and a localiser antenna at the southern end. These antennas provide the pilot with vertical and horizontal guidance when landing in low visibility. An ILS is not used by departing aircraft.
Click here for larger image
How will an ILS improve flight reliability?
Gold Coast Airport is operating safely without an ILS and the public can continue to travel by air with confidence. An ILS enables airlines and airports to continue operations in low visibility conditions, such as rain and low cloud. This will increase the reliability of landing at the airport. In any weather conditions, pilots must be able to see the runway before landing.
Installing an ILS at Gold Coast Airport will reduce the “decision altitude” or height at which a pilot must make the decision to continue with the landing with the runway in sight or to go-around or divert because the runway is obscured by cloud. An ILS will reduce the decision height, or minima, from 430 feet to 280 feet, improving the chance of landing in poor weather. However, an ILS will not guarantee a landing in all weather—the decision to land in poor weather is ultimately up to the pilot-in-command.
What is the difference between ILS and Smart Tracking?
Smart Tracking is satellite-assisted navigation technology allowing aircraft to fly with greater accuracy and can assist in allowing an aircraft to land in low visibility conditions.
At the Gold Coast, Smart Tracking allows aircraft to approach Runway 14 from the south and north with the majority of the flight path over the water before making a final approach for landing. Smart Tracking at Gold Coast Airport has a decision altitude or minima—where the pilot must be able to see the runway to continue with the landing—of 430 feet.
In comparison, an ILS provides a minimum decision altitude of 280 feet and improves the predictability of landing in low visibility conditions.
More information
Jandakot Airport - Changes to Arrival and Departure Procedures
Airservices implemented these changes in October 2019.
5 July 2019
When will this change occur?
Airservices will implement changes to arrival and departure procedures for aircraft using Jandakot Airport’s cross runway (Runway 12/30) from September 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
Jandakot Airport is extending Runway 12/30 by 510 metres to the south-east.
These procedure changes are required to accommodate the runway extension and are consistent with information provided in the Major Development Plan (MDP) which was developed by Jandakot Airport (JAH) and consulted on with the community from December 2015 to March 2016.
This MDP was approved by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport in June 2016.
What is going to change?
Jandakot Airport is mainly used for training purposes and 95% of aircraft operate under visual flight rules (VFR). The remaining 5% operate under instrument flight rules (IFR).
As a result of the extension there will be several minor changes to approach and departure procedures for both VFR and IFR aircraft using Runway 30 (to the north-west).
These changes will result in noticeable visual changes to where some aircraft fly. Some of the changes will also result in small increases in noise; however as these changes are under 3 decibels (dB(A)) they are not considered to be noticeable to human hearing and residents are unlikely to notice this increase.
For more information on the changes please see the Changes to arrival and departure procedures at Jandakot Airport Fact Sheet under Resources.
There will be no changes to approach and departure procedures for Runway 12 (to the south-east).
The overall number or type of aircraft will not change as a result of the procedure changes outlined above. However, the extension will accommodate larger aircraft (e.g. Beechcraft Kingair B200) and as a result there will be a change in the type and number of aircraft using Runway 12/30, which may be noticeable to communities surrounding the airport.
Further detail about predicted movement numbers and aircraft types can be found in the Jandakot Airport Major Development Plan – Extension of Runway 12/30 and Taxiway System webpage.
It is expected that the Runway 30 circuit area will shift slightly (by up to 510m) to the southeast as a result of the Runway 12/30 runway extension. Other runway circuit patterns will not be affected.
Jandakot Airport has a Fly Neighbourly Policy to reduce the effect of aircraft noise on surrounding communities.
The Fly Neighbourly Policy is not expected to change as a result of the changes.
Changes to arrival and departure procedures at Jandakot Airport Fact Sheet (July 2019)
Kununurra Airport - Changes to Arrival Procedures
7 January 2019
The change proceeded to implementation in December 2019.
10 July 2019
Changes to arrival procedures at Kununurra Airport
When will this change occur?
Airservices will changes for aircraft arriving to Runway 12/30 at Kununurra Airport from 12 September 2019.
Why are the changes necessary?
Since 2007, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has encouraged its members to implement approach procedures with vertical (straight up and down) guidance to improve safety for aircraft arriving to and landing at airports.
One way to do this is to make it possible for aircraft to use Baro-VNAV technology.
Baro-VNAV is technology available on most modern aircraft, as it uses either Global Positioning System (GPS) or the barometric pressure readings from on-board equipment, to provide vertical guidance for the approach.
It allows aircraft to land more smoothly, without using ground based navigation equipment. It also reduces the workload for pilots and decreases their reliance on visual assessments, making landing safer.
Some of these locations, including Kununurra require changes to their existing approach procedures in order for Baro-VNAV to be introduced.
What is going to change?
For more information on the changes please see the Fact Sheet – Kununurra Airport Changes to Approach Procedures under Resources.
How can I get more information?
For Queries regarding information contact Community Engagement:
- Via email to communityengagement@airservicesaustralia.com
- Via Mail to Group and Community Engagement Manager, Airservices Australia, Locked Bag 747, Eagle Farm QLD 4009
For matters relating to current aircraft operations, contact the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS) on:
- 1800 802 584 (free call)
- 131 450 (interpreter service)
Fact Sheet – Kununurra Airport Changes to Approach Procedures (July 2019)
Adelaide Airport - Flight Path Change
Brisbane Airport - Airspace Change for Medical Helicopters
Coffs Harbour - Changes to Approach Procedures
Coondewanna Airport - Airspace Change
Devonport Airport - Changes to Approach Procedures
Flinders Island Airport - Changes to Approach Procedures
Gold Coast Airport - Changes to High Altitude Routes
Instrument landing system for Gold Coast Airport
Fact-sheet-Instrument-landing-system-for-Gold-Coast-Airport-November-2018.pdf (386 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Instrument-Landing-System-for-Gold-Coast-Airport-February-2019.pdf (560 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Noise-Abatement-Procedures-for-Gold-Coast-Airport-February-2019.pdf (147 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Noise-Abatement-Procedures-Gold-Coast-Nov2018.pdf (385 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Noise-Abatement-Procedures-Gold-Coast.pdf (385 KB) (pdf)
GoldCoast_ILS-1000px.jpg (750 KB) (jpg)
ILS_web1.png (28.8 KB) (png)
Instrument-Landing-System-for-Gold-Coast-Airport17.pdf (418 KB) (pdf)
Noise-map_lge.png (1.09 MB) (png)
What-is-an-Instrument-Landing-System-ILS.pdf (214 KB) (pdf)
Jandakot Airport - Changes to Arrival and Departure Procedures
Kununurra Airport - Changes to Arrival Procedures
Melbourne Airport - Runway Mode and Flight Path Changes
Fact-Sheet-Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-February-2019.pdf (532 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-February-2019-updated.pdf (544 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-January-2019.pdf (569 KB) (pdf)
Fact-Sheet-Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-March-2019.pdf (542 KB) (pdf)
Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-–-Northern-Community-Fact-Sheet-–-February-2019-updated.pdf (546 KB) (pdf)
Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-–-NorthWestern-Community-Fact-Sheet-–-February-2019-updated.pdf (547 KB) (pdf)
Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-–-Poster-Set-March-2019.pdf (980 KB) (pdf)
Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-–-Western-Community-Fact-Sheet-–-February-2019-updated.pdf (539 KB) (pdf)
Northwestern-Community-Specific-Fact-Sheet-February-2019.pdf (546 KB) (pdf)
Northern-Community-Specific-Fact-Sheet-February-2019.pdf (545 KB) (pdf)
Summary-of-Feedback-Melbourne-Airport-Runway-Mode-and-Flight-Path-Changes-March-2019.pdf (688 KB) (pdf)
Western-Community-Specific-Fact-Sheet-February-2019.pdf (539 KB) (pdf)
Merimbula Airport - Airspace Change
Olympic Dam Airport - Changes to Approach Procedures
Townsville Airport - Implementation of SIDS and STARS