Final Community Engagement Standard
We are pleased to release Airservices’ new national Community Engagement Standard, which provides a clearly defined process for our engagement with the public on flight path and airspace changes of various scope, scale and complexity. It also establishes a benchmark against which to measure our performance.
The Standard has been finalised following industry and community engagement.
National community engagement was conducted on the draft Standard between 3 May and 2 July 2023 and the Standard has been updated in response to feedback captured during this time.
Over the eight week engagement program, more than 560 people participated, providing over 800 individual comments that have been considered as input for the final Standard. Airservices engaged independent consultancy Aurecon to conduct the engagement to provide assurance of a rigorous and transparent engagement process.
Industry engagement has been ongoing since February 2023, with feedback sought on the draft and final draft of the Standard.
A copy of the final Standard can be found here.
A copy of the draft Standard with mark ups to identify the changes made as a result of feedback can be found here.
A copy of the consultant report detailing the national engagement and recommendations can be found here.
Airservices’ response to these recommendations can be found here.
The Standard will be applied by Airservices to all future engagement on flight path and airspace changes. We are also working with the rest of the aviation industry to ensure a consistent cross-industry approach to engagement on changes to air traffic operations.
We will continue to evolve our engagement practice and the application of the Standard as we deliver these changes. Ongoing feedback from industry and the community is welcome.
Consultation has concluded