Townsville Airport - Implementation of SIDS and STARS
18 December 2018
Airservices conducted community consultation on the proposed implementation of Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) and Standard Instrument Arrivals (STARs) at Townsville Airport between 26 October 2018 and 7 December 2018.
No community feedback was received on the proposal.
The proposal will proceed to implementation on 23 May 2019.
Please refer to the fact sheet Townsville Airport Implementation of SIDS and STARS for more information on this change.
Previous updates
23 November 2018
Airservices conducted community consultation on the proposed changes to the satellite-based area navigation approach (RNAV) for Runway 01 at Townsville between 5 October 2018 and 30 October 2018.
No community feedback was received on the proposed change.
Airservices implemented this change on the 8 November 2018.
Please refer to the fact sheet Townsville Traffic Management Plan RWY 01 RNAV for more information on this change.
26 October 2018
Townsville Airport Traffic Management Plan – Final Stage Implementation of SIDs and STARs
Airservices and the Department of Defence are implementing changes to improve the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations for arriving and departing flights at Townsville Airport.
Since May 2017 this has included high altitude flight path changes, changes to traffic management procedures, and re-aligning the satellite-based area navigation approach (RNAV) to Runway 19 for aircraft landing at the airport when approaching from the north.
The final stage of the Traffic Management Plan provides predictable and segregated flight paths that connect aircraft from the airport to and from high level routes. This component is the proposed implementation of Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) and Standard Instrument Arrivals (STARs).
For more information please refer to the fact sheet Townsville Airport Implementation of SIDS and STARS
For more information on the Runway 01 RNAV approaches for Townsville Airport please refer to the fact sheet Townsville Traffic Management Plan RWY 01 RNAV
5 October 2018
Townsville Airport Traffic Management Plan – Final Stage Runway 01 RNAV approaches May 2017
Airservices and the Department of Defence are implementing changes to improve the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations for arriving and departing flights at Townsville Airport.
These changes will ensure aircraft flying in and out of Townsville airport are on more predictable and segregated flight paths that can be better managed by aircraft flight management systems, and reducing pilot and air traffic control workload.
Since May 2017 this has included high level flight path changes, changes to traffic management procedures and realigning the satellite-based area navigation approach (RNAV) to Runway 19, for aircraft landing at the airport when approaching from the north.
The satellite-based area navigation approach to Runway 01, for aircraft landing at the airport when approaching from the south, is now going to be updated to utilise the latest navigation technology.
For more information please see the Townsville Traffic Management Plan RWY 01 RNAV factsheet under Downloads.
May 2017
Airservices and RAAF Townsville are realigning the satellite based navigation approach to Runway 19 to improve safety and improve the landing capability of aircraft. The new flight path will move approximately 2km west of Horseshoe Bay residential area and reduce overall noise impacts relative to the existing flight path.
There are a small number of residents located to the west of Horseshoe Bay who may notice an increase in noise levels and a change in aircraft tracking.
This page provides a summary of the flight path and airspace changes we implemented in 2019.