Previous updates - 2019
15 November 2019
Following the completion of the Hobart Airspace Design Review, new flight paths for Hobart Airport arrivals and departures commenced operation on 7 November 2019.
For information on aircraft operations in your area see our Community Specific Fact Sheets.
- How many flights arrive and depart from Hobart Airport every day?
- What will I see when Runway 12 is Operating? Central Communities, Eastern Communities, Northern Communities
- What will I see when Runway 30 is Operating? Central Communities, Eastern Communities, Northern Communities, Southern Communities
Why did Flight Paths have to change?
Airservices Australia introduced changes to arrival and departure flight paths at Hobart Airport in September 2017. The changes were designed to organise aircraft departing from or arriving into Hobart Airport onto standard routes called Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) and Standard Instrument Arrivals (STARs).
In response to negative community feedback regarding aircraft noise and visual impacts, we committed to amending the arrival flight path for Runway 30, and this was implemented in March 2018. We additionally committed to reviewing the design of the SIDs and STARs for runway 12 and runway 30 within the operational requirements and constraints at Hobart Airport.
What activities formed part of the Review?
A timeline of the Hobart Airspace Design Review was developed to present the progress of the review.
Submissions closed on 7 January 2019.
Feedback was sought via the following
- Online Submission form
- Written submissions (email and post)
- Onsite Community Consultation sessions were held in November 2018 in Bagdad, Brighton, Campania, Copping, Dunalley, Primrose Sands, Sorell, Richmond and Taranna.
How did we listen?
Following the Hobart Airspace Design Review consultation period, we carefully analysed and considered all the feedback and submissions received through a comprehensive process to develop the final flight path design. The Consultation Summary Report is a summary of feedback received through engagement activities undertaken between 31 October 2018 and 7 January 2019.
The final design was shaped by this feedback, delivering a range of safety enhancements and operational efficiencies, while minimising the effect of aircraft operations on communities and the environment, where possible.
We invite you to read the Hobart Airspace Design Review Final Report, which contains the final design and how we considered feedback.
Our community engagement activities in support of the final design included on-site community updates in the Hobart area and online Q&A sessions during May 2019.
24 May 2019
Following the release of the Hobart Airspace Design Review Final Report on 29 March 2019, we have finalised the Hobart Airspace Design Review.
Implementation of the final design, and associated airspace, is planned for 7 November 2019.
CASA Approval was received for the Airspace Change Proposal on 8 May 2019.
Today we have also launched our new engagement hub, a digital platform that will support our community engagement activities. We are pleased that the Hobart Airspace Design Review is the first project to be hosted on this platform. For more information on the sessions and to participate in the Live Q&A sessions, please visit and register via
Throughout next week we will be undertaking several activities as part of the Community Update Program in support of the Final Report. Airservices staff are providing various opportunities for you to follow up on questions regarding how aircraft will operate on the new flight paths:
Community Update Activities
- On-site community information display – hosted at the Civic Administration Centre, Sorell Council from Monday 27 May – Friday 31 May 2019. This static display will include information on the final flight paths and seasonal aircraft movements, community specific fact sheets and information about airspace change processes. Community members are invited to visit this display and access the information at their convenience or access fact sheets from Clarence Council and Tasman Council.
- Face to Face Information Sessions – during our Face to Face sessions, we will be able to demonstrate to you how and where aircraft will fly on the flight path, relative to your home. Meet with Airservices representatives in person at the Civic Administration Centre, Sorell Council: Thursday 30 May, 12pm to 1pm; Friday 31 May, 10am to 11am; Friday 31 May, 1.30pm to 2.30pm.
- Virtual Drop - In/Live Online Q&A Sessions – representatives from Airservices will be available to answer your questions regarding the new flight paths to be implemented on 7 November 2019 live. Today we have also launched our new engagement hub, a digital platform that will support our community engagement activities. We are pleased that the Hobart Airspace Design Review is the first project to be hosted on this platform.
For more information on the sessions and to participate in the Live Q&A sessions, please visit and register via during the following dates and times: Thursday 30 May, 10am to 11am; Thursday 30 May, 5pm to 6pm; Friday 31 May, 12pm to 1pm.
29 March 2019
Following the Hobart Airspace Design Review consultation period, we have undertaken a comprehensive process to develop the final flight path design.
We have carefully analysed and considered all the feedback and submissions received during the consultation period.
The final design has been shaped by feedback from the community, delivering a range of safety enhancements and operational efficiencies, while minimising the effect of aircraft operations on communities and the environment, wherever possible.
We invite you to read the Hobart Airspace Design Review Final Report, which contains the final design and consideration of feedback.
Our community engagement activities in support of the final design will include on-site community updates in the Hobart area in May 2019, and community specific fact sheets.
Further information regarding dates and locations will be provided on the website shortly.
Thank you to all who have provided feedback during the Hobart Airspace Design Review.
26 March 2019
Airservices released the Hobart Airspace Design Review – Proposed Design Feedback Consultation Summary Report on 7 March 2019 and invited community members who provided feedback during the consultation period to review the report to ensure that their feedback was accurately reflected.
Feedback was received from 11 participants/community groups, and was considered and actioned as follows:
- Correction: where a correction has been requested that is a matter of fact and not opinion about accuracy of analysis based on partial access to all the information, the correction has been verified against records, and acted upon accordingly to amend or not amend the report.
- Opinion: where an opinion is expressed about accuracy of analysis based on partial access to all the information, the analysis has been checked against the data and reviewed for accuracy, and acted upon accordingly to amend or not amend the report.
- Clarification: where clarification has been requested, the items have been reviewed and acted upon accordingly to amend or not amend the report.
Click here for the final report.
Airservices has also received feedback on the Hobart Airspace Design Review – Stakeholder Reference Panel 2 Summary Report (October 2018), which has been incorporated.
Click here for the updated report.
Airservices thanks everyone who has provided feedback on these documents.
7 March 2019
Airservices conducted consultation on the proposed Hobart Airspace Designs between 31 October 2018 and 21 December 2018, with written submissions received until 7 January 2019.
This included consultation with community, and industry stakeholders (including airlines, airports and general aviation operators). The industry feedback has been consolidated into the Industry Consultation Feedback Summary.
28 February 2019
Airservices conducted consultation on the proposed Hobart Airspace Design between 31 October 2018 and 21 December 2018, with written submissions received until 7 January 2019.
A total of 277 submissions and responses were received from community members during this period. Verbal and written feedback was also received during 15 on-site consultation sessions held in the Hobart area (between 15 and 21 November 2018).
These community submissions, responses and feedback have been consolidated into the Hobart Airspace Design Review - Proposed Design Feedback Consultation Summary Report.
Community members who provided feedback during the consultation period are invited to review the report to ensure that their feedback has been accurately reflected. Please note that consultation on the proposed designs closed on 7 January 2019 and that, in the interests of transparency and fairness, additional or further feedback cannot be accepted.
Comments on the report can be provided until 11 March 2019 to Tania Parkes Consulting via email or telephone.
Consultation was also undertaken during this period with other stakeholders, including airlines, operators and other industry representatives. A summary of the other stakeholder feedback will be provided on the website on 7 March 2019, including the release of the Stakeholder Reference Panel #2 Summary Report.
Airservices is currently conducting an analysis of all of the stakeholder feedback and will provide a report on how this feedback has been considered in the development of the final Hobart Airspace Design. The Consideration of Feedback report will be released in late March 2019.
1 February 2019
You can now access documents and reports through the interactive Timeline here.
17 January 2019
During the Hobart Airspace Design Review Community Consultation period Airservices received feedback regarding the airspace design development process.
In response to this feedback, Airservices has produced a Design Development Process Fact Sheet. This fact sheet provides an overview of the process.
We have received a number of submissions and responses, and will be consolidating them into the Proposed Flight Path Design Consultation Summary Report, due in February 2019.
11 January 2019
The Community Consultation period for the Hobart Airspace Design Review closed on Friday 21 December 2018, and the extended period for written feedback submissions closed on Monday 7 January 2019.
We would like to thank all stakeholders for their feedback.
We have received a number of submissions and responses, and will be consolidating them into the Proposed Flight Path Design Consultation Summary Report, due in February 2019.
Airservices has been progressing the recommended actions identified through the Post Implementation Review (PIR). The status of each recommended action is available to view here
We are progressing the recommended actions for community and industry suggested flight path alternatives as two separate packages of work.
A new project page has been created on Engage Airservices to provide you with ongoing updates on the delivery of these two packages of work. Please subscribe to this new page to continue receiving updates on this project.