Hobart PIR Update #2

Community Suggested Alternatives

As part of the PIR we are accepting community suggested alternatives for flight paths and Noise Abatement Procedures (NAPS).

We are providing a range of resources and engagement opportunities to assist community members in the development of these alternatives.

  1. Updated Community Specific Fact Sheets - As part of the Hobart Airspace Design Review we developed Community Specific Fact Sheets based on forecast operations (May 2019). These have now been updated using actual aircraft movement data from summer operations at Hobart Airport (data collected during 2019/2020). You can access this updated information here.
  2. Community Suggested Alternatives Fact Sheet - This Fact Sheet describes the design constraints, considerations and opportunities for suggestions, and our assessment methodology for community suggested alternatives. You can access this Fact Sheet here.
  3. Flight Path Design Principles - Community Suggested Alternatives will be considered with reference to Airservices Flight Path Design Principles

Webex Panel Meeting - Community Suggested Alternatives

Join our Webex meeting to ask questions about the flight path design considerations and constraints, and how to submit your community suggested alternatives.

Webex details:

Date: Wednesday 10 March 2021

Time: 5-6:30pm (Hobart time)

To join the Webex complete the registration form here. Registrations close 5pm (Hobart time) Tuesday 9 March 2021.

You can submit questions before or during the meeting. We will provide a link to the Webex and troubleshooting information prior to the meeting.

A recording of the Webex will be available in the videos section.

Submitting Community Suggested Alternatives

Community suggested alternatives can be submitted from Thursday 11 March 2021 to Wednesday 19 May 2021 (5pm Hobart time).

To submit a suggestion complete our online survey.

The survey will take you through a series of questions to provide the required information. You will be able to attach files and images to the survey.

If you would like to submit your suggestion/s by mail you can write to us at:

Community Engagement

Airservices Australia

Locked Bag 747

Eagle Farm QLD 4009

IMPORTANT: Before you submit your suggestions for flight paths or Noise Abatement Procedures read our fact sheet here.

Airservices has been progressing the recommended actions identified through the Post Implementation Review (PIR). The status of each recommended action is available to view here https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/46094/widgets/319381/documents/245468.

We are progressing the recommended actions for community and industry suggested flight path alternatives as two separate packages of work.

A new project page has been created on Engage Airservices https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/hobart-community to provide you with ongoing updates on the delivery of these two packages of work. Please subscribe to this new page to continue receiving updates on this project.

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