Release of PIR Draft Terms of Reference

Airservices Australia is pleased to announce the commencement of its Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the Brisbane Airport Flight Path Changes.

You can read more about the PIR in our fact sheet here.

Release of draft Terms of Reference

We have developed draft Terms of Reference (ToR) which sets out our approach to undertaking the PIR. We have attempted to cover both our standard PIR requirements and also tailor some elements of the review to be specific to known community issues and interests.

The draft ToR is available for comment from Friday 30 July to Sunday 5 September 2021 (midnight AEST) and can be viewed here.

You can provide feedback on the draft ToR here.

Community Meeting

In August, Airservices will host a community meeting to share information on the PIR process and respond to community questions. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and to ensure wide community reach, this event will be available for community members to attend in person and online.

Further details on this event and a request for expressions of interest to attend in person will be provided on this project page.

This project is closed.

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