Register your interest for our USAN Working Groups

Under the USAN, we will stand up working groups from time to time to deal with specific topics, allowing for broader involvement of industry representatives that may not be current members of the USAN.

Why are we seeking your Expression of Interest (EOI)?

We are establishing a register of skilled and interested industry representatives who can provide Airservices with input on specific topic areas. We encourage anyone with relevant motivations, skills, experience and qualifications to submit an EOI.

How long will the EOI's be open?

EOIs will be open until December 2025 and you may submit yours at any time. As we stand up a working group we will review the list of interested industry representatives at that point in time to select members for the specific working group. After this time, should the USAN seek to stand up further working groups, we will open a new EOI process and you will need to resubmit a new EOI.

How do you select working group members?

If the USAN decide to stand up a working group, they will draft a Terms of Reference that details the kinds of expertise and industry representation sought. The USAN Chair/Co-chair and at least one other Airservices representative will review the EOIs and consider aspects including the industry sector represented, diversity, area/s of interest, experience and qualifications, and experience in advisory and working groups. The depth of information in the EOI will assist in the review process. We will seek a broad representation of industry and diversity of membership. Given the limited number of representatives on any working group, it may be that only one or two representatives are selected from an industry sector. The EOI process is not designed as a competitive application process but rather as a process to ensure representation and diversity across the breadth of aviation and allied industries.

What will be involved in being a working group member?

Working group members will be expected to actively engage in the working group by attending meetings, preparing beforehand to positively contribute to discussions, and represent their area of industry rather than their specific company or personal views. Time commitments will vary with the specific working group and specific information on how a working group will function will be provided once the group is stood up.

How do I submit my EOI?

Complete our survey to submit your EOI.

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