Update 4
Design Options – Phase one engagement
Airservices Australia is pleased to share the first design options developed as part of the Noise Action Plan for Brisbane. These options have been developed in response to Package 2 - Maximise flights over the water and Package 3 - Reduce the frequency and concentration of flights over communities.
We have produced a fact sheet containing information on the existing operation we have investigated and the options we have developed.
This first phase focuses on options to reduce the impact of night-time operations, keeping aircraft over water for longer and having aircraft climb higher prior to crossing the coastline. By implementing improvements to these operations, we are able to expand the use of Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway (SODPROPS) to provide improvements to communities closer to the airport, without increasing the impact on communities that are overflown when aircraft turn back overland. Options to expand SODPROPS use have been investigated in parallel with this first round of options, and will be shared with the community in July 2023.
In addition, we are seeking input to the development of a baseline model, the assessment of the noise improvement trials that have been in place for the past 12 months and the draft Communications Approach that will support engagement throughout delivery of the Noise Action Plan for Brisbane.
You can view the following fact sheets and provide feedback on the proposed option by clicking the feedback link:
Alternative daytime over water departure path – South
Fact sheet - Provide feedback - View scalable map
Alternative night-time over water departure paths – South
Fact sheet - Provide feedback - View scalable map
Jet aircraft early turn opportunities – South, East, North-East
Fact Sheet - Provide feedback - View scalable map
Replace new runway departure with pre-existing legacy runway departure – West
Fact Sheet - Provide feedback - View scalable map
Turboprop over land departures 5am to 6am – North
Fact Sheet - Provide feedback - View scalable map
Night-time over land departure opportunities – North
Fact Sheet - Provide feedback - View scalable map
Baseline model development
Noise improvement trial assessment
You can view the draft Communications Approach here.
We are hosting a series of engagement sessions commencing 26 April 2023, where you can discuss these options and provide feedback. To register for a session, click here.
We are requesting feedback by 12 midnight 28 May 2023.

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