Update 2

7-knot Tailwind Safety Case Update

Airservices Australia has received a response from the Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) in relation to the safety case submitted in April 2022 requesting exemption to the existing 5 knot tailwind limit for Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS) at Brisbane Airport. CASA has advised approval of this request has not been granted.

Airservices Australia acknowledges CASA’s decision not to approve the 7-knot tailwind exemption request and we are considering next steps in relation to this outcome, including if further safety work might be able to be completed which may enable re-assessment of the decision.

Airservices applied to CASA, our safety regulator, to increase the 5-knot tailwind limit to 7-knots in a bid to increase the number of aircraft movements over Moreton Bay.

We will provide a further update on next steps in the next two to three weeks.

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