Quarterly update #5

Welcome to our fifth quarterly update on the progress of the Noise Action Plan for Brisbane.

During the first quarter of 2024, our focus has been on progressing flight path options to facilitate greater use of Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS), while also reducing the impact of this mode on bayside communities. This includes progressing the preferred options for over-water departures from the legacy runway to the south and west (as reported in the Phase 1 Options Assessment Report). Progressing these flight path changes requires extensive safety assessment and engagement with airlines to ensure we are designing flyable paths that meet stringent aviation safety requirements. We are also working on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) to provide additional information to the community when we release the flight path designs for final feedback.

Status update

2023 Engagement outcomes

Phase 1:

  • flight path options that were progressed from this phase are undergoing detailed design as outlined above, ahead of further engagement
  • feedback on the Options Assessment Report has been reviewed and the updated report will be available soon.

Phase 2:

  • Phase 2 options have been assessed and the Phase 2 Options Assessment Report will be available soon
  • we are working on increased reporting in response to feedback received in this phase; we are also progressing updates to WebTrak and Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood.

Phase 3:

  • we have completed reviewing feedback on Phase 3 flight path proposals
  • assessment of options is now underway.

Priority actions from 2023

As noted in our last quarterly update, the majority of 2023 priority actions were complete. The remaining actions are:

Recommendation 1.4: Increase public reporting and transparency of operations – We completed engagement on reporting options and identified required actions. Changes to our existing online tools are required to support the increased reporting desired by the community, particularly around SODPROPS and Noise Abatement Procedures, along with additional WebTrak information. This is being progressed and the first reports are expected to be available from mid-2024.

Recommendation 2.2: Expand the use of SODPROPS mode – We identified the actions required to expand the use of SODPROPS to a 24/7 mode, where weather and operating conditions allow. Not all required actions could be completed in 2023 because flight path changes are required. These more complex changes are being progressed for completion this year, with other actions in progress to facilitate ongoing expansion of SODPROPS use.

All Package 3 options developed by Airservices Australia in 2023 have been provided to Trax International to progress as part of their Package 3 and Package 4 delivery. This includes the feedback already contributed by community and industry.

Upcoming engagement

Before the June/July 2024 school holidays, we will bring new and preferred options to the community for your feedback. These are expected to include:

  • detailed designs for over-water departures from the legacy runway (from Phase 1, as outlined above
  • new flight path proposals to reduce the complexity of Brisbane airspace operations; these will further facilitate expanded use of SODPROPS
  • Package 3 design options developed by Trax International.

Additional information

Earlier this year, we announced the engagement of external consultants, Trax International (for Package 3 and Package 4 delivery) and Think Research (for independent assurance and technical advice). In the interest of transparency, we have prepared an outline of the scope of this engagement. You can download the scope of these services here.

An update to the Brisbane Baseline Model is now available. The new version includes operational data for 2023, and historic actual tracks for non-jet traffic are shown as dotted lines. The model can be accessed here, along with answers to questions we have received since the model was first released in 2023.

We are developing reports for short term noise monitoring placements. While live data will remain visible on WebTrak, the completion reports will soon be available for all past placements. They will be published through Aircraft in Your Neighbourhood, where you can also review monthly data from long term monitors. We will also continue to review the placement of noise monitors as we progress through the completion of Package 3 and Package 4 of the Noise Action Plan for Brisbane.

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