Integrated Drone Surveillance System: Request for Proposal
RFP has closed
As part of our role in ensuring safe, efficient and secure aviation services in Australia, Airservices will be conducting an Integrated Drone Surveillance Systems (IDSS) trial to investigate how to detect and safely manage drone detections around an aerodrome environment. The RFP will include a competitive selection process to determine a preferred supplier for the IDSS trial.
To stay updated please 'Subscribe for Project Updates' through the button on the right of this page.
As part of our role in ensuring safe, efficient and secure aviation services in Australia, Airservices will be conducting an Integrated Drone Surveillance Systems (IDSS) trial to investigate how to detect and safely manage drone detections around an aerodrome environment. The RFP will include a competitive selection process to determine a preferred supplier for the IDSS trial.
To stay updated please 'Subscribe for Project Updates' through the button on the right of this page.
RFP has closed
RFP Closed
Thank you to all the companies who made submissions to the Integrated Drone Surveillance System RFP. Over the next few weeks will be undertaking evaluation of the submissions and will then advise the shortlisted suppliers for the Stage 2 evaluation.
During the evaluation process we contact you with questions regarding your submission.
Addenda No. 4
We have received a number of questions/requests for clarification and have released Addenda No. 4 with our responses here.
Addenda No. 3
We have received a number of questions/requests for clarification and have released Addenda No. 3 with our responses here.
Addenda No. 2
Thank you to everyone who attended the industry briefing last week. We have released the presentation here and a recording of the briefing in the videos section on this page.
We have received a number of questions/requests for clarification (including during the briefing) and have released Addenda No. 2 with our responses here.
The RFP documentation and draft agreement (Schedule 2) has also been updated and re-released in the document library on this page and on AusTender here.
Addenda No. 1
RFP Released
The Integrated Drone Surveillance System (IDSS) RFP is now open.
Please register and respond to the RFP on AusTender here. A copy of the RFP and supporting documents can be found in the documents library on the right hand side of this page.
Please submit any questions about the RFP here.
If you intend to respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Integrated Drone Surveillance System (IDSS) please notify Airservices within 10 Business Days of the RFP Release Date here.
A non-mandatory industry briefing will be held on 15 September 2021 at 5:00PM (QLD local time). To attend register here.
August 2021
Integrated Drone Surveillance System: Request for Proposal has finished this stageRFP Engagement Commences
1 September 2021
Integrated Drone Surveillance System: Request for Proposal has finished this stageRFP Documentation Suite Released
15 September 2021
Integrated Drone Surveillance System: Request for Proposal has finished this stageIndustry briefing
20 October 2021
Integrated Drone Surveillance System: Request for Proposal has finished this stageQ&A Closed
27 October 2021
Integrated Drone Surveillance System: Request for Proposal is currently at this stageRFP Closed
Request for Proposal - Integrated Drone Surveillance System V1.2.pdf (795 KB) (pdf)
Schedule 2 - Draft Agreement.pdf (480 KB) (pdf)
SR585930309 - Addenda No. 4.pdf (111 KB) (pdf)
SR585930309 - Addenda No. 3.pdf (71.7 KB) (pdf)
SR585930309 - Addenda No. 2.pdf (254 KB) (pdf)
SR585930309 - Addenda No. 1.pdf (121 KB) (pdf)
Industry Briefing - IDSS RFP (15 September 2021).pdf (555 KB) (pdf)