Trax International – Community Focus Groups Update

Thank you to those who attended the Trax focus groups held over this past weekend.

If you still need to register for a focus group, please click here.

Bribie Island focus group venue

The Bribie Island RSL Club (Garden room) has been confirmed as the venue for the Bribie Island focus group on Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at 6PM. Those who have registered for the Bribie Island session will receive an email update shortly.

Morningside (morning) focus group venue

The Morningside Panthers Football Club has been confirmed as the venue for the Morningside (morning) focus group on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 at 10AM. Those who have registered for the Morningside (morning) session will receive an email update shortly.

St Lucia/Taringa/Toowong focus group venue (UPDATE 15/06/2022 - this focus group has now reached maximum capacity and has been removed from the registration form. Please contact if you wish to register interest in a focus group in this area)

The St Lucia Community Hall has been confirmed as the venue for the St Lucia/Taringa/Toowong focus group on Friday, 17 June 2022 at 6PM. Those who have registered for the St Lucia/Taringa/Toowong area session will receive an email update shortly.

This project is closed.

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