Conclusion of Step One Engagement

Community engagement on the draft Community Engagement Plan (CEP) has now concluded. We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback. This has been considered in developing the final CEP which will be available on the project webpage later this month. Updates to the CEP include:

  • Translation services information to be provided where possible
  • Providing clear information about the proposed changes
  • Additional newspaper advertisements
  • Refining the design and target of social media tiles, and increasing the volume of social media advertising

A lot of the feedback received during this engagement related to requests for more information and details about the proposed changes, design, and associated impacts. This will be shared later this month as we commence step two of our engagement program.

Step two community engagement

Information about the proposed change, including an interactive map, factsheets, and documents such as the Environmental Impact Assessment and Options Development Methodology and Assessment Criteria, will be published as part of step two community engagement.

We will also be holding in-person community engagement sessions in a number of locations to enable discussion of the proposed changes. The location and times of the in-person community information sessions will be published in the coming week.

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