Modernisation of Australia’s AIP – eAIP

In order to modernise Airservices' aeronautical information and data products, Airservices is continuing to progress a number of activities to change the way it produces and publishes the Australian Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), primarily through migration of the AIP to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard eAIP format and modernisation of the way we produce our aeronautical charts.

This program is a key step in enhancing the way Airservices provides information, data products and related services.

Modernisation of the AIP will:

  • provide the ability to develop wider and more flexible range of aeronautical information and data products to support pilots, aircraft operators and the broader industry, including improving the ability for other key industry partners (such as application developers) to continue to innovate using aeronautical data from Airservices
  • provide more timely updates to aeronautical data to improve consistency of information and distribution
  • improve the level of digitisation of aeronautical data to promote a more dynamic and future oriented way of managing aeronautical data
  • ensure consistency with the ICAO recommended eAIP format and charting standards to improve interoperability, readability and standardisation.

Next Steps

To date, we have progressed production of prototypes of selected AIP Charts and eAIP sections to be used to demonstrate the expected changes as a result of the modernisation.

We are currently:

  • Collection of missing data elements required for publication as per ICAO standards in the eAIP.
  • Implementation of a list of minimum publishing data requirement to ensure completeness of the eAIP.
  • Revision and migration of textual information into the aeronautical database in preparation for the datacentric eAIP transition. This will result in minor changes to the current AIP products.

It is important to note that there are no significant planned changes to the print and distribution of AIP products during 2024 and customers will be informed in advance of any changes to these services.

Q&A Forum:

Airservices invites you to provide questions and comments using the Q&A box found at the bottom of this page. Questions and answers will be posted publicly to facilitate information sharing. Should you wish to contact us privately, please email

In order to modernise Airservices' aeronautical information and data products, Airservices is continuing to progress a number of activities to change the way it produces and publishes the Australian Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), primarily through migration of the AIP to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard eAIP format and modernisation of the way we produce our aeronautical charts.

This program is a key step in enhancing the way Airservices provides information, data products and related services.

Modernisation of the AIP will:

  • provide the ability to develop wider and more flexible range of aeronautical information and data products to support pilots, aircraft operators and the broader industry, including improving the ability for other key industry partners (such as application developers) to continue to innovate using aeronautical data from Airservices
  • provide more timely updates to aeronautical data to improve consistency of information and distribution
  • improve the level of digitisation of aeronautical data to promote a more dynamic and future oriented way of managing aeronautical data
  • ensure consistency with the ICAO recommended eAIP format and charting standards to improve interoperability, readability and standardisation.

Next Steps

To date, we have progressed production of prototypes of selected AIP Charts and eAIP sections to be used to demonstrate the expected changes as a result of the modernisation.

We are currently:

  • Collection of missing data elements required for publication as per ICAO standards in the eAIP.
  • Implementation of a list of minimum publishing data requirement to ensure completeness of the eAIP.
  • Revision and migration of textual information into the aeronautical database in preparation for the datacentric eAIP transition. This will result in minor changes to the current AIP products.

It is important to note that there are no significant planned changes to the print and distribution of AIP products during 2024 and customers will be informed in advance of any changes to these services.

Q&A Forum:

Airservices invites you to provide questions and comments using the Q&A box found at the bottom of this page. Questions and answers will be posted publicly to facilitate information sharing. Should you wish to contact us privately, please email

Q&A Forum

Airservices is commencing a number of activities to change the way it produces and publishes the Australian Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). Please use this Q&A forum is you have any questions on this change. 

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  • I am extremely grateful for the electronic copies of documents and charts. It has been a great time saver and improvement to safety having up to date information immediately at hand. However there are several hundreds of dollars spent by each exam candidate on just acquiring printed copies of charts, documents etc for CASA written exams when these are all already available and up to date in an EFB or any other electronic form. Is there any light at the end of this tunnel for digital copies of documents and charts to be able to be used in these exams?

    Matt C asked 11 months ago

    Hi Matt,

    This question has come up a few times, I reference the previous response:

    Airservices has recently met with CASA to discuss the possible impacts on exam material with the introduction of the eAIP and we will continue to work together to ensure students have the resources required to satisfy CASA’s requirements. We will be looking to provide more detailed information regarding this and other possible changes to printing in Q1 2024

    We are expecting the release of more detailed information about this in the coming weeks. We have also been keeping the CASA exam team in the loop in regard to feedback about this topic.


  • Bit of a simple one: please ensure the eAIP’s overarching interface is mobile browser-friendly and generally simple to navigate. The current Australian AIP website is simple and functional + works well on any device. The Iceland eAIP displays badly on mobile, and the UK eAIP seems unintuitive with walls of text hiding useful information. I understand an eAIP isn’t simply a compilation of PDFs like our current system, but it can still be designed with the end user in mind - especially if we’re expecting people who only ever used paper charts to eventually be forced onto the eAIP. Really appreciate the consultation being undertaken by you folks. Cheers.

    Liam Harris asked about 1 year ago


    The eAIP functionality and presentation is being tested on a range of devices, screen sizes and web browsers. This testing has proven the capability to view and navigate the eAIP without issue.


  • Hi, Other countries typically make recommended coding tables for RNP procedures freely accessible in the AIP. Can you please advise if these will be freely available in the future eAIP? Many thanks

    Daniel Smith asked over 1 year ago


    Apologies for the delay in responding to this question. At this point no decision has been made in relation to the publishing of recommended coding tables, however your feedback will be considered.


  • Did CASA have a response about using eAIP in the flight crew exams?

    lucas.james asked about 1 year ago


    Airservices has recently met with CASA to discuss the possible impacts on exam material with the introduction of the eAIP and we will continue to work together to ensure students have the resources required to satisfy CASA’s requirements. We will be looking to provide more detailed information regarding this and other possible changes to printing in Q1 2024


  • Hi, Will this process make aeronautical data available in the AIXM format and how will it support Australia's progress toward SWIM principles? Many thanks

    Daniel Smith asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Daniel,

    Being able to produce a AIXM report for Australia is a key goal of this project, to achieve this requires data to be in an ICAO standard format which is how the eAIP is being designed. We are hoping to share more information with relevant users of AIXM in the coming months.


  • Hi, this is a great move and really pleasing to see Australia transition to an eAIP. One of the challenges today is that it can difficult to tell if new information is new or just relocated. The change bars don’t make this distinction. Will the eAIP have the function to summarise changes and advise if they are new or just re-located?

    Daniel Smith asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Daniel,

    Change bars are simply a text comparison tool so unfortunately, they will always pick up text changes regardless of whether they are new or moved information. The eAIP will not introduce any additional functionality with how changes will be displayed. The summary of changes at the bottom of IAL (DAP) charts and the AIC publishing the major chart changes are not being changed as part of this project and will still be available. Continuation of the summary of changes to the GEN and ENR sections of the eAIP is still being discussed.


  • Hi, I know Australia typically makes the significant changes on the June and Nov AIRAC cycle. Given the large amount of change that has occurred in these cycles over the last two years, will you consider spreading out changes throughout the year with the new eAIP? Many thanks

    Daniel Smith asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Daniel,

    The major updates coincide with the charting cycles and the timing of chart release is related to the current printing requirements. More regular updates of the eAIP and charts is currently being explored and we hope to have more information about this early in the new year.


  • Hi, Will the chart prototypes be posted in this forum? Cheers.

    Chartographer asked over 1 year ago


    We plan to publish the chart prototypes in Q1 of 2024 to identify any safety and operational implications the change may have on chart users.  Please subscribe to this page for further updates, as we would appreciate your feedback.


  • It would be good to produce pictorial guides for inbound / outbound lanes for major D class airports. CASA produced some as part Visual Pilot Guide in 2010 for Jandakot which was very good and has not since produced another. I found these to be a very useful quick reference guides for airport inbound / outbound lanes and seems like it would be a good idea to include in FAC information pictorially rather than in text. I still actually use these figures in visual pilot guide while flying as a quick reference confirmation of outbound / inbound lanes and circuit directions.

    Wade asked over 1 year ago


    As you mentioned the Stay on Track series is produced by CASA, they have let us know that the guides, that cover many areas of Australia and are updated annually, are available online. These guides are quite lengthy, and a lot of the content does not fit within an ICAO eAIP therefore they will not be included.


  • Great to see this project taking shape. Are there any plans to incorporate the Off Air Route Planning (OARP) Manual into the eAIP?

    Chris Wilson (Air NZ) asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Chris,

    Apologies for the slow response to your question. 

    The OARP is not a standard ICAO function published in an eAIP, therefore it is not in scope of this project to include. Planning for the long term publication of the OARP is ongoing and any changes will be communicated to industry. If you have any further questions/feedback regarding the OARP and its publication, contact the team via email:


Page last updated: 17 Jan 2025, 01:15 PM