Canberra departures
Airservices proactively works with Canberra Airport and the community to improve aircraft noise outcomes. At the request of the airport, a flight path was changed for south and west departures to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on residential areas.
Aircraft commenced flying the new flight path in November 2014.
Previously, jet aircraft departing to the north from Runway 35 on the Standard Instrument Departure (SID) turned left on reaching 7000 feet (ft), which is in accordance with Canberra Noise Abatement Procedures. Aircraft that reached 7000 ft early flew over residential areas to the north-west of Canberra, such as Gungahlin. The change requires aircraft to reach a ‘waypoint’ north of Canberra’s suburbs before turning left, rather than turning left as soon as they reach 7000 ft. This means that aircraft now fly more over non-residential land rather than residential areas in Gungahlin.
Around 5000 aircraft use this flight path each year, with more than 20 using it on a busy day. The change does not impact on the number of aircraft using this departure flight path.
A review of the change has been undertaken and a report is available. Airservices concludes that the change has been successfully implemented.
An environmental assessment was conducted and concluded the noise benefit was expected to be minor. A copy of the environmental assessment is available.
Related information:
This page provides a summary of the flight path and airspace changes we implemented in 2014.